
Posts by "eben"

4 Posts Total by "eben":
2 Posts by member
(United Kingdom)
2 Posts by Anonymous "eben":
Posts: 2
15 years ago
Apr 15, 2009 23:16
It seems all indicators are telling us that stock market is bullish and no more bearish movement again. Is it true?
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Mar 23, 2009 13:06
Hi Ashraf,

Many thanks for all your deepth insights in the FX market. I met you few times at Bloomberg and CMC and your views are absolutely awesome.

I have been fellowing Gold movements for some time now, but it does not fellow its trends some times but stand still or changes to wrong dircection completely. I know you do got great ideas about Gold movements.

why it keep changing trends..? Hope to see you again.

Posts: 2
16 years ago
Mar 6, 2009 12:47
Sometimes the trends movements changes. Not reliable 100%
Watch Gold, UK
Posted Anonymously
16 years ago
Mar 1, 2009 22:14
I like all information you're analysising on Gold vrs USD/JYP and it is absolutely true Gold will arise a bite to meet its old occurances for past 40 years.

As Gold raises it definitely affects GBP/USD and EUR/USD... both fellows a trend with USD/JYP. They move in a direction vice versa to Gold. Thanks Ashraf and it is a privileged meeting up all times.

We need to be careful whereby a lot people are thing Gold bull at a time, it doesn't work like that. It will falls some times before it goes up completely.