
Posts by "russ2020"

3 Posts by member
(la mirada, United States)
la mirada, United States
Posts: 0
8 years ago
Mar 24, 2016 4:57
In reply to Russ2020's post
To expand on my post: "Much like Central Bankers..." .. While the older persons in Central Banking Professions have the "Book-Learin" ..they do not have the practical experience of "Untried & Untested" Monetary Policy Manipulation, but go ahead at "All our Peril" unleashing very potent guesses at what "might" fix our present very complicated financial challenges on present day Planet Earth. Trade well .. Platinum Horizon @RrrussT1
la mirada, United States
Posts: 0
8 years ago
Mar 24, 2016 4:39
Vote: UK Exit from EU

I believe, that much like the Central Bankers, many of the older more fearful members of our countries, will keep the pressure on for Brexit. Any additional terrorist assaults will have an exponential negative effect. Great for trading, but I hope GB does NOT choose Exit. We all need the EU. Russ US
la mirada, United States
Posts: 0
8 years ago
Jan 6, 2016 22:00
Vote: US recession

Nearly all USD economic news items are just "okay," or indicate a multi-year low. The only numbers that are positive with consistency are the Jobs numbers. Many of the new jobs created are either low-paying part-time, or temporary, as we Americans are lining up for and clearing out the foodstuffs in the local Food Banks.
The cost of "Corporate Welfare" has been considerable; in retrospect cutting "Hundreds-of-Millions" of Dollars of Food Stamps for the impoverished hungry citizens of America may have the unintended positive effect of reducing the problematic rise of Obesity in America. It is, after all, "okay" to be hungry.