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Gold & Yen's Perfect Desert Storm
Yen strength still eclipsing USD rebounds during risk aversion. while gold's ascent is better gauged against currencies other than the US dollar.
Happy New Year everybody.
Hope everyone has a prosperous 2010!
Asad, tell me a time when Rogers was NOT bullish on gold. But i do agree with him and with you about Chinese NY. Anyway, dollar strength could place a cap on it.
Agreed w/ your analysis on gold...but don't you think the Chinese NY will be a major factor in driving up gold (& oil) prices? In my memory, it always has (as well as for other commodities). The NY's just around the corner.
Besides, I was hearing an interview by J. Rogers (22/12), who categorically stated that he would consider including to his gold holdings around $1000...and expected the prices to eventually reach $ he wasn't too bullish on the US economy ('fire Ben...shut the Treasury' *heheh*).
What do you reckon?
According to your announcement 12 Dec 09 in Singapore, "Gold is a no-brainer investment."
We would want to look forward for Golds' lowest low to enter'
Can you give us some direction which quarter of 2010 will be suitable?
hesham, ive been looking for 1070 and we may still get it. best to wait after mid Jan to get more clarity on market direction. dont make any rash decisions at this time of the year.
I would like to sell gold at today's rate 1105$ do u think it's a good rate to sell??
Thank you
I was wondering whether you would recommend an investment in Gold for a 1-3 month holding period. I've been studying gold but am a bit confused whether I should buy or not? I'm currently 99% in cash USD.
Warm regards