
Posts by "carlco"

193 Posts Total by "carlco":
150 Posts by member
(bristol, United Kingdom)
43 Posts by Anonymous "carlco":
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
May 19, 2009 8:11
ashraf did you mean stay away from gbpeur** ?? i agree with you, but i keep an eye on this pair at the moment because a) im still learning forex b) euroland is behind the curve in the way theyve reacted to the crisis, so im looking for gbp strength against the euro, strangely this morning with gbpusd@1.5437 (it finally broke thru 1.538), the ECB moving slowly was the right thing to do. Time to do a George Soros we have a reversal i do believe the MA252 was breached yesterday in early pre-trade it looks like it may be holding and set to push 4500.
so my question. With a key gbpusd resistance level now breached, how HIGH will the GBPUSD go ?
1.58 ?
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
May 14, 2009 20:37
hey ashraf, how about a vote for gbpjpy ? 1.30 ?? it has more merit than gbpusd 'dead in the water' currencies. the fed reserve needs to start coming up with some answers, im getting a feeling the usa need some answers from the fed as to where $2tr is. All we need is a euro zone country to default, that will put the cat among the pigeons.
bristol, UK
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
May 6, 2009 14:26
ok, at the risk of looking really stupid, theres a pendant forming from nov 08 @1.53 , breaking out sometime early june. if ftse carries on this rally towards its early nov high of 4700 (ish).