
Posts by "bfg"

3 Posts Total by "bfg":
1 Posts by member
(Dublin, Ireland)
2 Posts by Anonymous "bfg":
Dublin, Ireland
Posts: 1
14 years ago
Nov 15, 2010 19:41
VOTE:Below $1.32

The euro only stopped its downtrend when the ECB started its SMP in May, they stopped buying government debt 5 weeks ago and the uptrend came to a halt. These are the SMP figures for the last 6 weeks: 9m 0m 0m 0m 711m 1,073m. They are not very big buying programmes. It depends if the ECB\NCB continue their buying programmes, if not then sovereign default is back on the table. QE is a non event, it is just a swap of assets. So, I'm going for ə.32.