
Posts by "catnip"

2150 Posts Total by "catnip":
2 Posts by member
(Frankfurt, Germany)
2148 Posts by Anonymous "catnip":
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 15, 2011 13:13
In Thread: USD
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, in a confidential talk with the commission probing the causes of the financial crisis, said he would defend to his deathbed his actions prior to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

But not beyond mind ya.

This aside China ppi contradicting cpi caps USDx to either side. Gold rally on lower cpi but first of all cpi is exercise in statistics, some pass the examination others fail. I don't trust China stats more than US .

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 14, 2011 16:06
NG trading has always been a loss. I am still long NG but loss again...when it should go up by fundamentals it goes down...and vice versa.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 13, 2011 21:52
In Thread: USD
USDx raises in asia trade.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 13, 2011 21:34
In Thread: EUR
Nope ECB was not going to gain power over banks.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 13, 2011 18:54
In Thread: EUR
The retreat of Weber and that he refused to obey Merkel who ordered him not to go public before she has presented a successor ( that is NOT her job btw.) caused big unrest about Euro future in Eurozone. Basically Weber said he resigns because lack of political support for his hawkish stance re ECB's "concealed" TARP and QE program. For dedicated chartists: make a 1 y and 6 months chart of Eonia and EUrx ( or EURUSD). This shows that "the market" expects a rate hike because rapidly raising inflation dims prospects of EZone economies.
Dr.Ben clever man.
Thus mid term prospects of EUR not at all good. But I assume a short term break above 136 is likely , up to 1365 , before a downmove 133
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 13, 2011 15:31
Very few understand connection Greece with Dubai very few except Russian oligarchs understand the role of Cyprus in international fraud with surplus liquidity, and only a handful get Dr.Ben.
Thus without any chart astrology or wave counting we know who will lose big.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 12, 2011 21:29
In Thread: USD
An asset price bubble is one aim, which Dr.Ben has openly declared. No he didn't say asset price bubble but if US shareholders spent profits in consumer goods the economy gets out of recession. This way , liquidity is bolstered by productivity if made in China hecho on Mexico etc. gets too expensive , and it does, by export of inflation. The tepid move of PBOC will only drive China inflation more up. Wages must rise etc. and competitive advantage decreases.
Dr. Ben clever man.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 12, 2011 11:15
In Thread: USD
Interesting comment on FED reports M2. Yes..the FED does NOT print cash. Not a single greenback. This is most important. The FED is in for deflation, not inflation.

"M2 is one of several money supply aggregates that the Fed tracks.

M0, also called "base money," is the total currency in circulation, including currency maintained by banks as reserves.

M1 includes base money minus bank reservers plus "demand money," e.g., checking account balances that depositors may draw upon "on demand."

M2 is the next level up and includes M1 plus savings accounts and certificates of deposits valued at less than $100k.

The Fed no longer tracks M3, but that aggregate includes all of M2 plus CDs > $100K and other big money institutional accounts.

When considering the growth in M2, I'd like to understand what portion of that growth was actually growth in M1. Before asserting that M3 is growing, too, I'd like to understand what portion of that growth is actually M2 growth. It could be that a substantial portion of M2 growth is due to money moving from M3 to M2.

As much as people talk about out of control money printing, you're not seeing that reflected in the amount of money that is really in circulation. For example, the banks sucked up all of QE1 as reserves, the amount of money in circulation has pretty much stuck to the mean growth line that existed before QE1. QE2 is a different matter: almost all of that money is going leveraged financial speculation, and when you see $40B being added to savings accounts and CDs in one week, you're seeing the "cash" from the sales of financial assets purchases with QE2 money that has been levered up through fractional-reserve lending (i.e., money created out of thin air).

If you look at everything from a practical point of view, you'll see that the banks only have enough currency on reserve to pay for about 110% of what's on deposit in demand accounts, so rising M2 is just creating more claims to the same level of base money. So, looking at M2 to find hyperinflation is kind of silly, as not all of it can be redeemed for currency. What rising M2 tells us, though, is we have inflated prices in financial assets, which is giving rise to what my banker friends call screwflation.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 12, 2011 10:11
In Thread: EUR
Weber's retreat from Trichet successor competition is by far not unimportant for Eur.
Apparently a private audience with money market genius Merkel didn't change Weber's decision.
And the inventor of not commutative algebra ( a*b is not equal b*a ) Schauble was dumbfounded with Lafarge's remarks.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:32
humanity and the value of money are incompatible domains.
If peoples of egypt should indeed gain power then necessarily a muslim party will have majority, because the majority of Egypt's population is rural and are Muslims.
Most possibly not fundamental Islamist, however, any peace treaty with Israel will either be re-negotiated or get frozen status or be cancelled.
Now think sharply... could it be it is just that what the FED wants to achieve?