
Posts by "chloethebull"

2520 Posts Total by "chloethebull":
1175 Posts by member
(halifax, Canada)
1345 Posts by Anonymous "chloethebull":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 19:26
yup i agree with ya.but possib other other gover see the reaction +results an try to make changes b4 there run outta town which would just make cl correct lower..these gove need to see that the old school strong arm method are no longer usefull even military refuses to side with presidents..no1 is willing to kill a protestor for wanting a better life that barbaric thinkn is done with..what does every1 think abouit such protests spreading to china:) gl:)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 19:04
with cl hiting 92.50 an usdcad playing very strong..IF this situation is resolved peacefully with pos+outcome oil will collapse spiking usdcad up towards 1.0180 level mayb even higher:) gl
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:58
when i did the usdcad last nite i found a break of 1.0030 next resistance level @1.0120 b4 moving onto ashraf t/p 1.0180. so i might try to flip some an buy back on a retest of 1.0100 but will sell most of the position around 1.0160..20pips from ashraf t/p so feel safe the orders will be hit:) gl
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:50
In Thread: EUR
i think we need to get a big catylyst to break the toptrend line which appears to be well respected in the past6-12mths..i think 1.40 level should hold but top trendline appears to be 1.42 level so not too far from ur t/p i guess:) gl
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:38
hey daveo thanks for the help with the charts i spent 4hrs yesterday doing complete work up on myself situated to were i want to be exiting/entry i also find it helps me be more disiplined..just find the support # load the prices in an walk away:) thanks:)..what ya think of usdcad strength(very impressive)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:26
i think the us media is sensationalizing this situation far too much,but hey why wouldn;t they helps keep there $$ wasn;t it just last fri when usdx was breaking higher 78+level..then bam egypt erupts lol tell me the us gov wasn;t involved someway im sure wikileaks has a memo sent from some1 that will surface guys
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:11
not sure why oil climbs higher..i know about the suaz canal situation which is protect by the army who are friendly with the protestor the situation hasn;t escalated shippments are flowing through the canal..could it be reality will set in an we get back to the sell off with usdx rallying hopfully we get a sharp downward correction:)gl
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:05
In Thread: USD
these were last nights trades..1thing i find interesting is strength in usdcad given cad had solid data+oil spiking up over 91buks+plus usdx dropping into the 77.75 range cad should be hammering the dollar but instead shoots up to 1.0060 level..i use this pair an a good indicator of usd strength now oil reaching 92 lol this is crazy somthing has to give:)gl thinkn its a good time to scalp on oil shorts what ya thinkn daveo +asad?
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 18:01
In Thread: USD
egypt markets re-opened up covered usdcad(.0045)=EURUSD@1.3575..DIDN;T even come close to 13550 support .plus i covered 1audusd guys
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 30, 2011 19:40
In Thread: USD
100% the us is involved in this revolution amongst the arab i think who are in turn controled by the rothchilds+imf ect this is a huge event an no1 really know all of its effects..another thing** this will spill into other arab nation especially if the protesters win it will be seen as a way to get a better life an if the gover choose to battle than that will enrage all poor arab pl an that is the worst case senario...i think the 1st will be most likely as its time for asia &arab worlds to join the rest of the free world an start to provide a better way of life for its pl,when u treat pl like shit for a long time sooner or later they snap an its not a good sign when police remove uniforms&military choosing not to use live rounds...clock is ticking gover need to realize there in a very dangerous place when dealing with millions of pissed off pl.. to be honest i can;t beleive its gone on this long im suprised the free world hasn;t done more to intervene an help these pl..we sit in our beautiful homes odering fancy meals wearing the best quality cloths and these pl live in shit conditions @ best.. not to mention there own country men allowing this...NEVER would i allow a fellow canadian to experience those conditions..any ways this is not a good situation so im going flat by tomor not sure of the impact on my trades lol gl guys:)