
Posts by "djellal"

751 Posts Total by "djellal":
728 Posts by member
(LAUSANNE, Switzerland)
23 Posts by Anonymous "djellal":
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:38
In Thread: USD
mon avis c est tanpis pour ( pour leur gueule)les espagnols les pays d afrique ne doivent plus commercer avec l europe mais plutot choisit d autre pays du sud
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:24
In Thread: USD
oran et blida et toi ?
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:23
In Thread: USD
but you can go at cassis at the mehari club
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:21
In Thread: USD
no sorry about the mehari
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:18
In Thread: USD
she wants tobin'tax
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 1:14
In Thread: USD
I CANNOT to give you his name
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 0:49
In Thread: USD
tu me fais grave penser a un de mes clients qui est de ta region justement... pdg d une grande socit europeenne de biscuit, avocat d'affaire de formation, ayant les bras tres long et un temps d avance sur tout le monde! srieux et la il est en plein procs avec le credit mutuel et le cic il va leur casser les reins...
vas y envois tes infos et sans jeux de mots c est plus claire...
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 0:36
In Thread: USD
vas y je t ecoutes pour les pharmacies en algerie
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 18, 2011 0:10
In Thread: EUR
ok said
give me your bloomberg email adress ( for the chat) that is more interesting
LAUSANNE, Switzerland
Posts: 531
13 years ago
Feb 17, 2011 23:31
In Thread: EUR
I knew that you could do better ! at raymond james realy ? as trader ?