
Posts by "ignore"

905 Posts Total by "ignore":
1 Posts by member
(negril, Jamaica)
904 Posts by Anonymous "ignore":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 15:01
In Thread: EUR
thank you ism 60.8 up
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 14:43
In Thread: EUR
Letisha..we gettin any upside usd.chf today?
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 14:06
In Thread: EUR
.need 3650 to climb out of hole...whatz da chance bros..
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:59
In Thread: EUR
Gunz//I have a home in Jam and Sanibel Island Fl..I am USA citizen and Trinida-Tobago citizen.
born in Miami,I like Jam, like Calif like Fl..ckix hawt in miami, serious nightlife combo hispanic/fl girls..

good horse track :)
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:44
In Thread: EUR
Gunzz..a project that should have been started awhile back...
I'm too old..but I am headed for "South Beach" this weekend if that counts..
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:42
In Thread: EUR
alright said...
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:24
In Thread: EUR
Said..put down that hookah and step away from the table..
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:21
In Thread: EUR
gunz..if amer were as smart as brits..then we would be where u are today?
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:19
In Thread: EUR
Gunjack..did u ever figure where USA got that notion from..duh?
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 1, 2011 13:18
In Thread: EUR
gunz ;) eaee up cowboy.....what abt euro?