
Posts by "montmorency"

678 Posts Total by "montmorency":
604 Posts by member
(Abingdon, United Kingdom)
74 Posts by Anonymous "montmorency":
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 3, 2010 1:14
Seems like everything increases risk appetite these days.
The stock market is running on empty and is being flown by kamikaze pilots...
(....ok, slight exaggeration, but ... :-) ).

Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 3, 2010 1:07
@Said: I doubt if it was the weather that made you laugh! It seems like winter is back.

I closed 2 out of 3 short cable positions Friday for reasonable (targeted) profit and left one open, in small profit. Will look to add at a good opportunity after the FX market reopens Sunday night/Monday.

Seems like gold could go either way at this point, but that's another thread...
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 3, 2010 0:56
In Thread: GBP
[Yesterday=Friday - I just noticed the forum is still on GMT, and not BST :-) ]
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 3, 2010 0:54
In Thread: GBP
Well one of the UK tabloids yesterday was shouting out about the market going up and the pound strengthening.

Time to sell both the market and the pound I think :-)
(actually I did sell the pound/USD and made at least 50 pips thank you :-) ).

@Macrosam: yes, entries are critical but at the same time I find that entries are by no means an exact science, unless perhaps one is an extreme guru. Being a mere mortal, I have to go with my "twig in the water" approach. :-)
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 2, 2010 1:15
In Thread: EUR
I agree with everyone that the rise in EUR is unsustainable, although as for topping up with shorts, of course that's a very individual decision. I'm being a little cautious there myself (a bit bolder with cable, as it happens).

As for oil, I can never figure it at all, and leave it alone these days; it's even trickier than gold and that's saying something.

Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 2, 2010 0:43
In Thread: GBP
@Ashraf: Great. Will look out for it.

@AMG: well, it went significantly above 1.52, not that this surprised me too much.
Nearly 1.53 as I write, and can see it going a bit higher, especially with this "holiday madness" that Callum wrote about. Don't know about Macrosam's 1.56-57 though. I think we'll see 1.50 before we see 1.56, but that's just idle guesswork, more or less.

Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 2, 2010 0:30
In Thread: JPY
@Nzvik: "Also, catching absolute tops and bottoms is a losing exercise for me at atleast - so start small - and see how the trade develops over the next day or two - add to it or get stopped out. "

This reminded me a little bit of the stories of Jessie Livermore who would test the market with small (or in his case, perhaps not so small) trades.

Being a low-leverage man myself as well, I often regard a lot of my trades as test trades.....kind of like dropping a twig in the water to see which way the current is flowing. I also use them as kind of "markers", if that makes any sense.

Having said that, I'm not in any JPY trade myself at the moment. I don't think I understand the JPY well enough yet (not that I necessarily understand the USD, the EUR, the GBP, ....etc either :-))) ).

Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Apr 1, 2010 14:01
@Shaer: Just a personal opinion from a non-expert, but 1.49 was a touch low perhaps. However, if you can hold on to it for a bit, I think it could come out ok. I personally would be happy to short from around 1.5250, or maybe wait and see if it goes to 1.5300 or 1.5350. If it did get that high I would see that as a correction before the resumption of the downtrend, and not a new uptrend.

Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Mar 31, 2010 20:29
In Thread: GBP
@Ashraf: Thanks for the tip - should have thought of that. Yes, useful, plus I noticed the link to the YouTube reviews of the London seminar. Are there plans yet for a further London one this year?

@Amg: I'm inclined to agree.
Abingdon, UK
Posts: 610
14 years ago
Mar 31, 2010 16:34
@SydneyJames: Not sure if I would talk about a gold "rally" at this point. It seems to be in a kind of doldrum state. Not to say that it _won't_ rally at some point though.