
Posts by "pippedoff"

1087 Posts by Anonymous "pippedoff":
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 25, 2010 1:19
Aussie now pounded 30 pips lower in the fifteen minutes since the HOMER ANALYST attempted to cheerlead AUDUSD to 0.9000, trying to get the public to buy the AUDUSD he was dumping.

Who would cheerlead ANYTHING higher against USDin these conditions? Only a DESPERATE FOOL HOMER/WEATHERMAN ANALYST!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 25, 2010 1:10
HOMER sighting.

A new coining of a term: you've all been well-veersed on the WEATHERMAN ANALYST.

Now we have the HOMER ANALYST. Read On:

The HOMER curerency analyst at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia gleefully chirped, "I definately say buy AUDUSD as I expect even more of a reaction "later on" as this kind of report takes a while to digest", in referencing the recently-released CapEx Growth in the Australian Private Sector.

As if ANYONE cares about Aussi CapEx growth with Gold and other metals getting clobbered, and the USD being bought on any dip as the Golden Cross is being well-documented.

This HOMER Analyst is attempting to cheerlead AUDUSD higher. Since he released his flawed report to the public, AUDUSD has lost 23 pips.

Has anyone heard from WEATHERMEN ANALYSTS at Westpac yet today? Are they pounding the table for parity, or for 0.87?

WEATHERMAN and HOMER analysts are USELESS. Wonder how much AUDUSD this HOMER ANALYST from the CBA is dumpoing on the public. Shades of our buddies GOLD(man)!!!

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 24, 2010 21:53
In Thread: CHF
At what time will the SNB be intervening by selling CHF?
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 24, 2010 2:42
Come on! We are only at 1107.5 on Gold. Please, please please bid back up to 1117/1130.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 24, 2010 2:40
FOLKS-I called it in my last post here. The WEATHERMEN ANALYSTS from Westpac have spoken, warning that 0.8700 looms. These IDIOTS were out yesterday before the Paid-Pimp RBA Deputy came out to goose Aussie pounding the table for parity.

Now that the WEATHERMEN WESTPAC analysts have weighed in their negative call, I have ZERO doubt aussie will break yesterdays 0.9070 high within a few days.

WEATHERMAN ANALYSTS such as WEstpac are completely useless, and are an insult to those that provide real analysis like Ashraf.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 20:42
Who does the RBA have left to trot out to the media to pimp/promote their Aussie currency?

It was Spencer last week, and the Deputy yesterday?

Their beloved currency is not only below 0.9000, but now 0.8900 AGAIN.

The streets of Sydney will be baren today/tonight. RBA in shock and awe at the destruction of their ccurrency. Westpac isn't answering their phones from their IRATE clients who bought in at 0.9050 during the pimping yesterday.

Still waiting for the WEATHERMAN Westpac analyst to tell us aussie is heading lower because it has headed lower.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 19:15
WEATHERMAN makes an appearance:

The Weatherman Analyst at BNZ Bank lamenting the destruction of the Kiwi today, and is JUST NOW predicting and warning of lower price levels for Kiwi in the upcoming days. The WEATHERMAN is warning of asnother 100 pip drop in Kiwi. But this same guy yesterday was pounding table on Kiwi, knowing the Australian Pimp Deputy would be out "promoting" Aussie currency and Kiwi would gp for the ride. Kiwi down 130 pips in just a few hours, and now Weatherman BNZ is JUST NOW warning the public. As usual, Weatherman is telling the public which way the wind is blowing.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 19:10
Only one-half hour until PPT starts its Daily Mandatory Intervention. I am not too confident in their abilities to restore confidence in the public to bid risk back up today. They may have shot their load in their string of seven strasight up-days for the NAZ last week. However, these guys never seem to dissappoint.

Did you catch Cramer crying today on CNBC because stocks were down. All last week he was mocking the shorts.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 19:06
They've got it back to 1103.5.

Come on PPT, call GOLD(man) and the RBA. We need a coordinated intervention to get Gold off it's death-bed and at least into intensive care.

Does the PPT and RBA know CPR.

Heck, the RBA defended 0.9000 like it was the Maginot Line. How do they feel down here at 0.8900.

Ridiulous and shameless theat they allowed the Deputy to pimp Aussie last night, and the fools fell hook-line and singer as they always do, bidding aussie to 0.9073. It has fallen nearly two hundred pips, so far.

Has anyone heard a peep out of Weathermen Westpac yet? Just a few short hours ago they were calling for parity, lol! Trust me, later in the Sydney and Tokyo sessions they will be telling us to keep an eye on 0.85. Pathetic WEathermen they are, telling us which wey the wind blows.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 23, 2010 17:01
I closed all my gold positions at a HUGE profit. However, I am not seeing any current bounce in the commodity currencies, so I am not sure Gold will be able to hold that 1103/1098 level today.

I am hoping/praying for the PPT/RBA intervention to prop risk trades higher here.