
Posts by "pippedoff"

1087 Posts by Anonymous "pippedoff":
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 16:45
@phs-ok, you are the second to mention the GOLDman-backed PPT, so I will respectthe forum and cut it out. It does get (g)OLD(man) after a while, but I think you all get the message that there is CONSTANT subtle interventions and manipulations in these markets.

R.I.P. my dear friend GOLDman, R.I.P.

Over and out!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 16:43
@chloe-I am staying flat for the rest of the day, unless the Goldman-backed PPT intervenes and gooses the spoos and bids aussie, euro, gbp and gold right back to where they came from. I took what I could get on my usd/cad long, and look to pick up some more next week below 1.0500 perhaps.

GOLDman is like Ashraf's ol' friend Aud/Jpy-"the gift that keeps giving".

@bojan-welcome to the club. It's all about helping each other make $$.

@coolshades-it's just not the GOLDman-backed PPT, even the SNB was intervening today (third time in three weeks).

@everyone else-Ashraf and his up-to-the-minute tweets make mega-$$ for us. He had mentioned the possibility of China tightening a few times this week. That's why I took advantage of that forty-five minute ram-job by the Goldman-backed PPT in the spoos yesterday, and shorted euro, cable, aussie and a HUGE POSITION in gold-everyone one of my limit orders was filled for a 50% account growth today alone. Of course I left some $$ on the table. However, in these markets with all sorts of interventions seemingly aoccuring daily, I am glad to let others fight for the remaining scraps. All pairs and gold are now higher, thanks to the SNB and GOLDman-backed PPT/Cartel interventions.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 11:41
Chloe-I trusted Ashraf's call on China. Glad I found this Jewel named Ashraf and don't listen to all the other Weathermen Analysts-they are useless.

I made 50% on my account today as I am flat now, including all usd/cad. With the weekend coming up, holiday in U.S. on Monday, no need to get silly now and give back profits to GOLDman. In fact, I am withdrawing some of my profit from my FX account.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 10:42
Why aren't the "Parity" Analysts out pounding the table on Aussie now that it just lost 120 pips and closed the gap from earlier in the week?

They will wait until IF/when aussie rallies 100 pips off some low again.

ASHRAF CALLED THE Chinese tightening. No one else did! Not one of the Weathermen called it. They just tell me what has moved the last 100 pips, then change the target in that direction another 100 pips.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 10:39
Hope you just booked those profits at 1.5600.

Ashraf rules with that China call. GOLDman left holding the bag. Apparantly GOILDman hasn't made its way into China yet to package them highly volatile derivatives at excessively high commissions.

It's China's world, and we all live in it, including GOLDman.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 5:35
Chloe-how is your gbp/usd short? Has Goldman Sachs managed to shake you out of it yet?
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 4:45
Holy Cow! The Goldman-backed Cable Cartel just offered eur/gbp to the tune of 10 pips, blasting their beloved Cable 20 pips in three minutes.

All Hail Goldman Sachs!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 4:34
Just read yet another analyst pounding the table on aussie, calling for parity by year end. Funny, he wasn't saying that twenty six hours ago. Another Weatherman, telling us which way the wind is blowing.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 3:08
Is it going to snow forever? Where does oil go when the GOLDman stops making it snow?

Speaking of GOLDman, see them offering eur/gbp today so the Cartel can run cable?
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 12, 2010 0:10
GOLDman Sachs Cable Cartel back at it again-offering eur/gbp to the world