
Posts by "pippedoff"

1087 Posts by Anonymous "pippedoff":
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 23:31
Does anyone here follow Jamie "Goose" Saettele's trades from Daily FX? Not sure I have come across a "professional" who publishes his trades as he does who gets stopped out more often than he does.

Check him out sometime:
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 23:28
GOLDman didn't like that I accepted its traders bid for Gold at 1096 and drove it down. So GOLDman just goosed Gold another two dollars to 1097.2.

Like I said, it's GOLDman Sach's world, we all just live in it.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 23:19
I gladly accepted GOLDman's bid of Gold and am shorting it again. Thank you GOLDman.

Now offer more eur/gdp so I can short cable again.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 23:11
GOLDman Sachs woke up in Asia and the first Gold trade of the day popped it $2 points higher.

That's what gOLDman duz.

It's GOLDman Sach's world, and we all juste live in it.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 22:34
Check out the Aussies taking advantage of illiquid market conditions to run stops in their beloved Aussie.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 21:39
Next eight hours will be interesting. Limited liquidity in Asia gives the market makers the green light to runs stops both ways.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 21:08
Chloe-probably not. At noon eastern, the Goldman-backed PPT super-goosed the market in 45 minutes by jamming the spoos, permitting pressure off eur and allowing 100plus pip rallies in euro and sterling trash. Don't forget that $18 GOLD(man) move either.

In essence, the ENTIRE dUS trading session was the result of one super-duper jam-job by the GOLDman-backed PPT.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 19:57
someone PLEASE call GOLDman Sachs-Gold just dropped 50 cents. Time to run it up yet another $5. Take advantage of the 50 cent pullback. Gold hasn't been this cheap in 30 seconds...BUY...BUY...BUY!
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 19:55
chloe- need you ask? stocks MUST close strong into the close, lest the public catch on what a jam-job this is.

Can't wait to hear Cramer taunt the bears later.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2010 19:54
GOLDman Sachs won't back off goosing Gold, desperately trying to pop it through 1100 psychological number.