
Posts by "putko mafani"

245 Posts by Anonymous "putko mafani":
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 10:21
In Thread: EUR
Cat, seen the recent data for Chinese holdings of US treas.? They are continuing selling US treas. Any comments from you? I told you: China is unwinding their long US treas. position.

There is little that can be said about the December TIC data, as all the same (troubling) trends continue. Total Chinese holdings declined by $4 billion, as a result of $9.4 billion in Short-Term debt declines, offset by Long-Term purchases. China continues to dump agency securities like there is no tomorrow, and December is the 6th month in a row in which China has seen its agency holdings decline, but that should come as no surprise to anyone: after all they made it somewhat clear they are on the verge of liquidating the bulk of their GSE holdings recently.

But wait? You say Fed is acting like a firewall for foreign shocks. Yes, correct. In a couple of years the Fed will be the sole holder of US debt :)
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 16, 2011 7:51
In Thread: EUR
said, Marc Lavoine & Souad Massi - Paris:
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 14, 2011 9:07

Today's data shows that inflation pressures in China persist:

0544 GMT [Dow Jones] China's stronger-than-expected trade data strengthen its economic growth prospects and indicate the country's inflation is picking up pace, ANZ economists Liu Ligang and Zhou Hao say in a note. The extraordinary increase in import growth shows China's strong demand for commodities, and an expected big rise in residential incomes will also drive the country's imports to continued growth this year, they say in a report. In addition, rises in the yuan's value will to some extent lower the cost of global commodities, the report says. China's January exports rose 37.7% on year, China customs data show, compared with December's 17.9% rise and economists' +22.4% forecast. January imports were +51%, compared with +25.6% in December and economists' +28.6% forecast. (

Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 14, 2011 8:27
In Thread: EUR
Be careful. In case of turmoil, USD squeeze is possible, driving USD higher:

0752 GMT (Dow Jones) Leveraged funds are "abnormally" vulnerable to a USD rally, as International Monetary Market data show these funds to have a minus-$33B net short position, Citigroup says. The bank says AUD and CAD are the currencies appearing most vulnerable to a USD rally. "There is no guarantee, of course, that the broader leveraged community that trades the over-the-counter market is this long of AUD and CAD, but we suspect they are at close [to it]." USD/CAD at 0.9860, AUD/USD at 1.0055.(

Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 15:21
In Thread: EUR
@NickKristof Nicholas Kristof
Hosni Mubarak will never see Cairo again.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 15:20
In Thread: EUR
Said, is this also the bank where Mubarak's $40bn are parked?
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 14:53
In Thread: EUR
digi, who cares about the Zimbabwe dollar, when the similar story of the US dollar is unfolding in front of your eyes.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 14:44
In Thread: EUR
But of course does it matter whether China will start selling its holding of US treas. when the Fed will buy them and flood the market with QE3 dollar liquidity.
And you expect dollar to remain strong and not weaken? Can you hear anyone saying 2.0000 for EURUSD? Of course not today, tomorrow or even this year. But the down the road...
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 14:39
In Thread: EUR
Hey Catnip, check this out as per Ashraf tweet:
alaidi Ashraf Laidi

RT @zerohedge: China SAFE Denies It Faces Half A Trillion In GSE Losses #forex $$

So at the end of the day China will most probably start unwinding US treas. sooner as opposed to your expectations to hold them forever :)
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 7, 2011 8:39
In Thread: USD

Markets are calculating for real inflation and this is why nominal yields are up. Real yields are still down however because of Fed QE2.