
Posts by "qin"

482 Posts Total by "qin":
475 Posts by member
(Jonkoping, Sweden)
7 Posts by Anonymous "qin":
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 16:12
Hey Mo
By the way, recently I found out one pare which is very interesting.

EUR/DKK, the rate is fixed if you know. ( check the Central Bank of Denmark home side)

But interest rate is different, Danish Krona interest rate is higher than EUR now....and they can't low down the interest rate again......because there is wage inflation rate in Denmark. I didn't short the pare yet, but I am waiting for the chance to do so......

I calculated that if I short the pare by 100k then I will get swap 1.5 euro everyday. I am thinking about to short it more.......and just earn some interest everyday....

Good luck!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 16:02
Hey, Mo
Thanks a lot......I haven't been long USD since June....

FX market is very choppy and unpredictable recently. So I start to focus on long term and valuate currency on fundamental. Because if I get caught, I still can hold my positions if I have enough power to do so.

NOK is one of the soundest currency now. Norges bank will rise interest rate by the end of this year or early by next year.....I think it will be the first central bank to do so. Norway is a very peaceful country, I don't think there will be any terror attack happen there as well as Sweden. We don't against religious.

Good luck!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 15:25
Hey, gunjack
I guess Ashraf will suggest you to hedge it ....maybe long GBP/JPY for a while.........

Good luck!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 15:20
Hey, Ashraf
Which chapter should we read on your book now???

Best regards
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 15:18
Hey, speculator
For you everyday is risk aversion........I am very sure!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 15:08
Good day for my positions!!
Bernake says don't buy US dollar, because I will print it and give you by freee!!! hahaha.

Good luck !! everyone!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 12:28
I glad to hear Ashraf talk about risk aversion and USD rally everytime, because I know it will be fantastic chance to short USD when it rally......

Jim Rogers said that he want to sell his life insurance because it is in USD......I think he is worry about USD will collapse before he die............the money even can't cover his funeral maybe.....

I only have 200 USD in my pocket now.......maybe I should go to bank to exchange it now....haha..

Good luck!!! everyone!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 12:01
Hello, everyone
I found some data about US debts, but I am not sure the number is correct or not.....because it is too much and toooooooo much..........

102 trillion for SS & medicare
25 trillion for TARP & bailouts
53 trillion plundered from other trusts

Every single American man, woman & child owes over $600K in FED Gov debt....

Good luck!!!

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 10:21
Hey, Gunjack
I don't need to hedge my positions, I have short on USD/NOK now....everything works better and better for me. I don't like hedge my positions because I never against long term trend. Maybe I am not smart enough like others in this blog who against long term trend but still can make money on long USD.

Norges bank will rise interest rate first, because Norway still has inflation there. I am bearish on GBP in long term, but I am bearish on USD more than GBP. US bond and USD is the last bubble for USA.....

Good luck !!!

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 18, 2009 10:09
If you took Ashraf's advice yesterday Long Yen and USD, you maybe have to take his advice again to hedge your position now....hope you will minimize your loss.
But remember, if you fail on hedge, you will lose more money. Even you success to hedge your positions, it always good for these online broker. They are making money from you.

Good luck!