
Posts by "qin"

482 Posts Total by "qin":
475 Posts by member
(Jonkoping, Sweden)
7 Posts by Anonymous "qin":
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 27, 2009 11:57
Hey, Steven
I have the same feeling.
Any kind of bullish or bearish market will have some corrections. We have had the correction since June. I don't know Ashraf is talking about next correction in a few weeks or present correction is not over yet.

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 24, 2009 13:44
Hey, Mo
Are u there? Did you finish reading the paper yet?

As I said before, I don't 100% trust the paper. What do you think about it?

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 22:25
I don't know anything about companies. I only bought one company share which is Swedish mining company.

The US companies are making more money in oversea then in US. Japanese companies even don't make any money in Japan, but oversea.

If you understand of this, then you will understand that why the companies and banks CEO are always exiting when they are talking about China and emerging countries.
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 22:06
I know risk aversion will be the first.....but I guess some traders and people have already understand that USD is not a safe haven currency.....Just like every time Stock goes down, USD goes up....I think to correlation will be break in a very near term.

By the way, if the stock go to new low again......I doubt that people will use the same theory to trade on the market again.....But I am agree that Yen will rise a lot.
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 21:55
If we don't have 911, Greenspan would not keep interest rate so law for so long......maybe we wouldn't have crisis like this.

If terror attack USA and US start war again.....I have no idea how much debts will increase by the war.....

Just some fiction maybe......who knows what will happen.....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 21:26
Hey, guys
Ashraf said that he will be back in hours.....I think he will be very surprised when he look his scream.....

What a day!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 21:13
Hey, speculator
Never speak so firmly......terror attack will send the pare to 1.80......

Indonesia should be a signal that they are planning something.....

Good luck!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 19:03
Hey, forextrader
There is a very heavy option just the EUR/USD 1.430.....if the pare break the level, you will see it moves to 1.45 rapidly.....just like how CAD is outperforming today.

Media is changing its tone about forecast on EUR/USD now.....if you check the news everyday.

I don't know how about you guys, if I have long USD position and I get caught, I won't sleep very well. But if I get caught on short USD position, I will leave it and take time to do other things.
I don't have any US dollar in my protect makes me sleep very well everyday.

Good luck!! everyone!!!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 17:01
Hey, Mo
I don't have any positions with me now....I closed all my long CAD positions at 1.075, just after I got back from my trip.

I am waiting for a correction on USD/CAD now....but I don't think it will be bigger then last time. CAD was being heavily abused since Jun. It deserve a rally like this.

I want to long CAD and EUR to against USD again.
I think just short USD and long CAD, AUD will be enough profit for me this year.
If I get caught from my position, I don't need to worry too much. Because in the long term, USD is going to decline.

Good luck!!
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Jul 23, 2009 16:18
Hey, Mo
Hope you have closed your position, and received my email...

Good luck!