
Posts by "speculator"

804 Posts Total by "speculator":
22 Posts by member
(LONDON, United Kingdom)
782 Posts by Anonymous "speculator":
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Oct 2, 2009 16:20
xaron there is a fight between risk aversion dollar demand and yield differentials between US and rest of the world. Whilst although stocks went down, the market dumped the dollar based on its expectations on fed interest rates. If news was positive dollar may have risen as markets become less bearish on dollar being used as a funding currency. It is quite clear that markets want rate hikes to support a dollar rally but again the relationships are becoming more random in my opinion.
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15 years ago
Oct 2, 2009 1:06
guys concentrate on your trading!! theres money to be made if you listen to ashraf
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Oct 1, 2009 19:37
dollar bears watch out for dollar strength. recent global support for a strong dollar, concerns around euro strength in euroland and potential october risk aversion may send dollar quite a bit higher over the coming weeks.
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15 years ago
Oct 1, 2009 12:04
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Oct 1, 2009 12:03
bojan exactly. foreign corporations may need to repatriate funds back home. So for example, a very large UK company has US earnings and need to convert back excess dollar earnings back to sterling at a particular time. often countries use a lot of hedging though.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Oct 1, 2009 11:41
bojan sometimes unusual price actions can occur to reflect non-speculative currency purchases for example central bank diversification etc.
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15 years ago
Sep 29, 2009 7:29
fx dont trade on what u think should happen that is emotional trading.
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15 years ago
Sep 27, 2009 18:05
my end of year is $1.48 but will weaken into first quarter of 2010 with $1.30 as a target due to BoE's stance to weaken pound, fed rising rates earlier and deflation in short term. also stocks have reached target and very likely to fall quite a bit from here along with commodities.
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15 years ago
Sep 26, 2009 16:40
Slaiman retesting march lows within next 3 months is extremely unlikely based on current circumstances.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 20:59
slaiman im not sure about equities selling off to test march lows but some sell off and oil downside will help dollar rise. other factors will aid dollar and this is likely to be monetary policy from fed that would also help cap stocks