
Posts by "speculator"

804 Posts Total by "speculator":
22 Posts by member
(LONDON, United Kingdom)
782 Posts by Anonymous "speculator":
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 19:20
i think sterling has a very good chance to become a carry currency pretty soon which will offers some support to the dollar. the clues are out there from the bank of england
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15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 19:16
anyone interested in some direction trends can look at this guy too nadeem walayaat. he is not an fx specialist like ashraf but has unbelievable track record of getting trends right. for example he predicted 'stealth stock market' back in march. his fx focus is sterling and dollar index. if u follow this guy to ride a trend rather that day trade u should do very well.
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15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 18:54
ashraf, yes 15% decline in stocks sounds right for a march retest but negative interest rates and/or sterling carry trade can possibly do the trick and retest march lows.

we will see..
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 12:39
qin this is where you are completely wrong. we have currently a USD carry trade which means dollars are borrowed and risky trades including equities and higher yielders instigated. if risk starts to become less desirable the dollar will need to be repurchased and risky stuff unwinds. secondly, the market is short of dollars against many currencies and I think we are oversold dollar against euro for example and this could result in a sharp reversal in short positions that would benefit dollar.

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 25, 2009 12:36
ashraf do u know a guy called nadeem wayalat? he predicted 87 crash and march stealth market in stocks. he believes sterling will resume its bear and will break lows reached in march this year/next due to dollar strength and pound weekness. So he thinks 1.36 will be broken in the next few quarters.

what do you think?
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15 years ago
Sep 24, 2009 14:30
kleoo, 1.50 possibly but not anytime soon. the break below 1.60 is vital
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15 years ago
Sep 24, 2009 11:39
sterling is going DOWN
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15 years ago
Sep 23, 2009 22:24
QIN they dont want to extend budget of measures but just time.
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15 years ago
Sep 23, 2009 21:27
i see a far greater probablity of a falling pound on dollar than it rising in the next month
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15 years ago
Sep 23, 2009 21:25
As I expected the fed is starting to signal end of their money printing program and willigness to keep on inflating the money supply.This is also a signal that we should have some sustained pullback in equities or at wost a cap on this rally and dollar weekness. The oil price got a nasty shock from all this which should imply further dollar strengh in to tomorrow.

i keep my prediction of a dollar bottoming and a reversal upwards as a trend