
Posts by "speculator"

804 Posts Total by "speculator":
22 Posts by member
(LONDON, United Kingdom)
782 Posts by Anonymous "speculator":
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 21, 2009 16:37
1.60 by week closing.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 21, 2009 7:36
FX, sorry I dont study that pair.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 20, 2009 16:23
*but a buyer
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 20, 2009 16:22
redstone, having said that bullishness around stocks and bearishness around dollar remains at extreme levels normally implying a reversal. Therefore whilst we can expect a pullback it should be only minor unless some major unexpected negative shock comes about.

i personally would not be a buyer of stocks at current levels. currently the federal reserve is controlling the risk markets by their actions. Lets see what fed does in octover with is QE measures as this is HIGHLY influencial.

the dollar is pretty short out there which could cause short coverings rapidly pushing the dollar higher! I would not like to be a seller of the dollar at current levels buy a buyer.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 19, 2009 19:04
we have tested 1.60 before and next week may be the test below 1.60 and a new downtrend. but broad sterling weakness is not sufficient. the dollar index reversal may help break this key pyschological level.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 19, 2009 18:59
Ashraf what is your thinking behind equities falling?why should they fall for now? valuations will not justify falls. but my wost case scenario for equities is very minor pullback say 5%

i also said that equities will not follow september history and they have not so far. i think we need to forget history sometimes and realise that this recession is different to the great depression and other recessions. it is a market that is prone to speculative bubbles of all sorts that will not break easily.

having said that, the fed will change the direction of equities by change of its monetary policy. if there is no more QE this year stocks may not have much higher to go but that does not warrant a large pullback.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 19, 2009 16:20
redstone, forget what analysts say, the correction will not come for no reason. valuations can remain overextended for a long time with no nominal correction. stocks will continue to climb unless economic issues start to worsen.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 17, 2009 22:54
said im not a technical analyst, but the point is with stocks, fund managers need to buy stocks from orders made by retail investors which are now starting to become more confident in buying stock based funds. So there is a growing demand for stocks from retail customers. how long this will last is unknown but there is no hurry in the market stopping to go any higher from here. We will certainly not get a US retracement back to march lows UNLESS some MAJOR shock happens. This could be a huge war as banking issues would only push higher most stocks higher due to monetary policy reactions of QE. retail investors are now starting to realise that money in the bank is a waste of time and understand money printing will have inflationary implications. again whether this should happen is irrelevant as it will happen if people speculate. therefore retail demand will push stocks higher for quite some time as they missed the spring/summer boat.

I work as a financial planner and have a good idea about high net worth clients.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 17, 2009 22:45

im not sure we will get a depression-like cycle in stocks. don't let your emotions play.

The point is, stocks are still HISTORICALLY very cheap against gold. Looking at a 35 year chart I saw today of Down VS GOLD$ we are currently in stocks buy and gold sell. In otherwords, gold is hitting a top and stocks a bottom. This ratio was also an accurate buy/sell trigger for selling stocks in 2000 and buying gold back then which would have made you good gains.

The QE stuation also adds that infationary pressures will keep stocks up base partly on speculation. Whether QE should cause future intlation is irrelevant it is what investors think that will help produce market driven speculative bubbles in commodities, stocks and possibly gold. But i am fore more bullish stocks at current levels than gold.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 17, 2009 20:27
US /Uk stocks are in a multi year bull. Traditional valuation metrics may not work as we are not in traditional monetary policy era. We have not had QE and low inetrest rates combination in UK/USA before. We can also have years of over-valuation which will lead to fair value when earnings boune back simply because of currency debasement.