
Posts by "speculator"

804 Posts Total by "speculator":
22 Posts by member
(LONDON, United Kingdom)
782 Posts by Anonymous "speculator":
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 22:52
fxhandler, eating food can also make u fat (depending on how much excess quantity is consumed) the money printing is very insiginifcant compared to monetary losses the system has encountered. Believing stocks rallied purely due to inflationary expectations is silly. There are quite a few reasons why they rallied so fast.

money printing will not go on forever in US and compared to UK QE is not that big infact smaller on a dollar basis relative to GDP. IF QE ends by fed this fall then stocks will have to find other reasons to rally which will be hard in current circumstances. Deflationary data will also impact stocks to the downside when QE ends.

As a contrarian, dollar bearishness is at extreme levels and which normally results in a turning point. It is no good extrapolating trends and believing they will go in one direction indefinitely.

There is data that appears to conclude that big investors are invested whilst retail investors are now starting to come in as they missed the rally. This can be seen as a short term top in the market and a possible turning point. Volume has also been lighter than normal.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 22:26
ashraf, do u believe the USD is becoming the prime carry trade which is explaining recent weakness? If so, it may be on a downwards path but pros say its hard to get data on carry trade activity and link it directly to weakness.

Its amazing how overbought the stock markets are in UK/US but still climbing. But the carry trade can still work if the interest rate differentials exists despite stocks. So if stocks fall, dollar can still fall due to dollar carry trade? This may explain some of unusual movements in the market

personnally I think sterling will become the next carry currency when interest rates fall with plenty of liquidity in UK - Do not underestimate this possibility. For the meantime dollar is possibly being used as the carry.

Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 18:38
ashaf nice calls!
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 15, 2009 16:22
sterling is losing ground. Still see large downside potential against dollar and euro this year. All the warning signs are out there but investors still keeping pound range-bound with dollar for now.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 14, 2009 12:27
ashraf yes contrarian. But most of our polls have not resulted in the mode range being hit! correct me if im wrong
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 13, 2009 22:32
as a rule of thumb we can rule out the one that has been polled the most
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 11, 2009 15:34
im waiting for a pullback of around 10% this year in ftse and S&P and buying for 1/2 years as we are in a multi-year bull. Equities will outperform cash and property for next couple of years. oil will also be a fantastic buy and hold at 60 level.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 11, 2009 7:16
we will end the year about 10% lower in US/UK stocks which will bring sterling weakness and dollar strength. My highly valuable source indicates that targets on FTSE have been met and we can expect sidelined trending for a while followed by pullback. But this will not happen in September.

Furthermore as you mention ashraf, downside risks remain on sterling as it is fundamentally flawed. Sterling volatility remains high. I expect the dollar to run up in october when fed cease their QE. I will not discount more BoE QE.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 9, 2009 8:39
Ashraf, qin is anti-dollar plain and simple.

But this stock market correction that many are talking about I believe will not happen this month as historically sep is a very poor US equities market. I believe the market is overpriced but I find it hard to say it will play out like the 1929 crash as monetary policy was not like it is today with QE and excess liquidity present. However, I believe we will not go down in excess of 10% in the short term (few months) for the simple reason of market being overpriced - We need some kind of big shock or simultaneous smaller as priced remain very sticky downwards. The market may easily remain overpriced or at current levels for quite some time.

Oil however is a different animal and far more risky. We could quite easily see 60 over the next few weeks. This would bring some dollar strength. But I feel that the dollar is trying to form a base and then rally for some time into 2010. This can be seen by dollar strength appearing at the end of the New York sessions.
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Sep 7, 2009 20:35
$300 estimate by barclays! they should certainly fire the guys estimating this figure. as i keep saying, petrol cars will start to be phased out in the longer term (5 years) and this will take away a lot of demand pressures going forward. Oil may be a good buy for the next few years but not long term.