
Posts by "stationdealer"

750 Posts Total by "stationdealer":
666 Posts by member
(London, United Kingdom)
84 Posts by Anonymous "stationdealer":
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 16:45
In Thread: EUR
Last night ECB received its highest swap flow ever, no wonder bond spread are wild again.........

But tell me what do you guys make of this;

Analysis:Projected Census Positions Fewer Than Actual Workers
Current Door-to-Door Phase May Involve Less Double Counting

By Ian Mckendry

WASHINGTON (MNI) The 2010 Census door-to-door phase that
injects a spike of additional workers into the monthly jobs data is in
full swing with the peak hiring having occurred right around the survey
week for Fridays report.
The U.S Census Bureau projects 1.4 million positions to be created
from the entirety of the Decennial 2010 Census operation a number
that includes positions workers were hired for in prior years in
preparation for the 2010 Census. The U.S Census Bureau confirmed in
response to a Market News inquiry that the number of actual individual
workers hired is likely to be less than that figure because one single
worker may actually be hired for multiple positions.
However, the current door-to-door phase that contributes the
sharpest spike in hiring involves actual workers hired specifically to
ring doorbells.
According to the U.S Census Bureau some workers, more likely in
remote areas, Door-to-Door workers may hold multiple positions.
The Bureau breaks up its operations into multiple phases and May
marked the beginning of the Door-to-Door phase, when hiring peaks, as
census workers follow up on the approximately 48 million households that
did not mail-in Census forms.
According to the Census Bureau a worker may be hired for multiple
phases, maybe two or three, and that would then be recorded as two or
three positions counted which would be included in the 1.4 million
positions created figure.
The U.S Census does not keep data on rate at which workers fill
multiple jobs.
The door-to-door phase is projected to end July 10, and the
Census Bureau said the number of positions people are hired for is
expected to decrease as that deadline approaches.
According to the Census Bureau the rate of decline depends on how
quickly the work is completed.
The most recent statistics released by the Census Bureau said
549,450 actual workers were paid in the third week of May, down 36,279
from the 2010 peak of 585,729 in the first week of May.
The Door-to-Door operational phase which began in May overlapped
with the Update/Enumerate phase which includes filtering out seasonally
occupied homes, and counting homes with irregular addresses. The
Update/Enumerate phase essentially ended May 29 according to the Census
The Door-to-Door phase will also overlap with the Vacant/Delete
phase which includes determining if a home is vacant, does not exist, or
occupied that phase is to begin in July.
Neither the Update/Enumerate phase or the Vacant/Delete phase is
expected to employ as many people as the Door-to-Door phase.
The Census Bureau projected in April that it anticipates hiring a
total of around 635,000 positions in all for the Door-to-Door visits.
Overall the 2010 Census has had a good mail-in response rate which
may lessen the number of needed hires to take door-to-door tallies.
Americas had a very successful first half of the 2010 Census,
where more than 72 percent of the nations households mailed back their
census forms, U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves said.
The 72 percent response rate matches that of the 2000 census.
A fact sheet released by the Census Bureau said 3.8 million workers
were recruited to fulfill positions in 2009 and 2010, and 1.4 million of
those were fingerprinted for security purposes.
Even if a potential census worker went through the security process
they are not guaranteed to be hired.
Groves is expected to release new Census statistics Wednesday at
noon during a media briefing.
** Market News International Washington Bureau: 202-371-2121 **
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 16:35
In Thread: EUR
What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Mr. Market needs to be feed and he has not gotten anything tasty from the EU or IMF for weeks.
Lately it has been all bad news, with the Spanish banking crisis intensifying, intramural battles withing the ECB raging and Germany losing its preeminent position as the undisputed first among equals in the euro zone.

All of that is reflected in the renewed nervousness among investors, who are demanding higher yields to buy government debt (despite the ECBs steady purchases).

Spanish spreads over the German benchmark are within 20 bp of their highest levels despite a trillion pledge to sure up the euro zone and billions in ECB bond buying

Not a good sign for the euro. Shock and awe, it aint. Maybe Spanish banks are going through a stress test right now.
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 16:27
In Thread: EUR
or that Iranians are really stupid :D
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 15:44
Euro Exit Is Ludicrous Idea for Any Country: Hannes Androsch

June 2 (Bloomberg) -- The Greek sovereign-debt crisis and the attempts of the European Union to quell the simmering pot before it boils over is commanding the attention of the international community.

The sovereign-debt problem isnt in any sense the end of the euro zone; not even the beginning of the end. The foreign- exchange rate of the euro may fluctuate against other leading currencies, as is to be expected in a floating-rate regime, but Greece isnt going to withdraw from the euro zone, nor is it likely to be expelled by the other members.
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 15:33
Took out my cad shorts today @ 10425 with 8k in profits
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 15:28
Rose it just goes to show you how wonderful black box trading really is.

Mr Ashraf, please can you shed some light on Copper how do you see it going forward? And also Dollar Index please.
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 15:09
In Thread: EUR
Van Rumpuy Calls For Euro Zone Economic Government

As well, he wants to strengthen economic governance by the EU summit on June 17.
Like it or not, the recent bailouts have been an important step toward a centralized EU economic structure that could serve the group well int he years ahead, if national interests are set aside for the good of the whole. A huge IF

EUR/USD trades at 1.2198
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 15:08
Market Absorbed 14.4 Tons Of IMF Gold In April

I guess we know now why gold did not necessarily soar during the worst of the Greece crisis: the IMF was selling literally tones of gold. They confirm they sold 14.4 tons of the stuff in April..
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 11:18
Pathetic is barely condemnation.

Enough said! but people leave politics out, keep it professional here!
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 11:06
Well that's the pressing issue what is going to be decided and the sad thing is we may never know till the media's yellow journalism starts another Fear, Panic, Greed, War, Hate, Death panoramic effect around the world again.

Check this out this is pretty funny "Swarm of bees protest outside wall street as they blame capitalism for destroying their natural resources"

maybe the bees were a sign leading us to who's making the real mess.......... :)