
Posts by "stationdealer"

750 Posts Total by "stationdealer":
666 Posts by member
(London, United Kingdom)
84 Posts by Anonymous "stationdealer":
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 8:47
In Thread: EUR
IMF Calls Document Promoting Latvia Currency Devaluation A Forgery

(WTF how can some one get this wrong)

The Eastern European country that has suffered a 26% GDP loss in the past two years was the butt of a cruel joke this morning.

Latvian news agency LETA published a letter from IMF Managing Director Dominique Struass-Kahn supporting a "mini-devaluation" of the lat. Latvia has kept its currency pegged to the euro despite crippling debt because of plans to join the EU.

Turns out the letter from Strauss-Kahn was a forgery!
From the IMF (via FT Alphaville)

Regarding this mornings LETA story, which referred to a purported letter from the IMF Managing Director: the letter mentioned is false and we advised LETA that it was forged. It does not represent the views of the IMF.

Our views on the currency are well known and have not changed. We, together with the European Commission and other programme partners, continue to support the governments programme of economic policies that rest on keeping the current currency regime and the plan to join the euro.
Painful austerity continues to be the only option.

London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 8:26
Inflation And Deflation Occurring At The Same Time

Calafia Beach Pundit shows how the U.S. has been experiencing both long-term inflation and deflation at the same time. Essentially, the cost of services has been rocketing higher, just as the cost of durable goods has been rocketing lower:

The widening gap in this chart is a graphical representation of prosperity, where an hour's worth of labor buys more and more things. The difference between these two lines amounts to an increase in consumer purchasing power of a little over 100%, which in turn is solely due to a change in relative prices. The change in relative prices, in turn, is due primarily to the increased productivity of labor. The average worker today (and around the world) is able to produce far more than ever before with a given amount of work. In short, this chart is showing us just how much more valuable labor has become relative to things.
The next time you find out that repairing your watch or your computer or your pocket digital camera costs almost as much as buying a new one, remember this chart.
Some bemoan the fact that America has moved increasingly towards a service economy, but given the pricing trends above, perhaps things would be far worse right now if America hadn't learned to produce more 'hard goods' with less people. Americans would be earning less for their labor, since productivity would be lower, and buying less durable goods per dollar since the cost of hard goods would be higher.
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 8:22
Bilderberg Meeting: Length of Depression Will Be Decided This Week?
Bilderberg Group - Towards Creation Of One World Company Ltd

The Bilderberg Group is an annual, invitation-only conference usually with more than 100 of the globe's most influential leaders, such as heads of state and business tycoons. It always is closed to the public and press, a privacy frequently ensured by armed agents.
The conference this year is scheduled June 3-6 in Sitges, Spain.

WND reported attendance at last year's event included U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner; Larry Summers, the director of the U.S. National Economic Council; Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan; World Bank President Robert Zoellick; European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso.

New invitees in 2009 reportedly included Google Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt. Henry Kissinger, a lynchpin of continuity with other secretive internationalist groups including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, is a regular attendee as is Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Gigot.

Former British cabinet minister Lord Denis Healey, one of the founders of the group, explained the purpose of the group to Jon Ronson of the Guardian.

"Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless," he said. "So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

Estulin reported then his sources told him the main topic of the 2009 agenda was the world economy. He said his sources inside the group told him the movers and shakers would be discussing two options "either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline, and poverty ... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency."

Estulin writes: "This parallel world remains unseen in the daily struggles of most of humanity, but, believe me, it is there: a cesspool of duplicity and lies and double-speak and innuendo and blackmail and bribery. It is a surreal world of double and triple agents, of changing loyalties, of professional psychotic assassins, brainwashed black ops agents, soldiers of fortune and mercenaries, whose primary sources of income are the dirtiest and most despicable government-run subversive missions - the kind that can never be exposed."

More Here.......
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 2, 2010 8:20
Many World Leaders Resigning..Why?

29 May 2010: Nepalese Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal

31 May 2010: German President Horst Koehler

1 June 2010: Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama

Deposed Kyrgyzstan President Bakiyev Leaves Country, Resigns
[link to]

Brown resigns as UK prime minister

Italy's Prime Minister Resigns over Foreign Policy

Chad Prime Minister Resigns -
05 Mar 2010 11:56:50 GMT
Source: Reuters

Belgian Prime Minister resigns
Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:43:58 GMT
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 20:16
In Thread: GBP
That's Montmorency! Hindsight's a beautiful thing! No?
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 19:57
Any significant break/Dip towards 14370 or close I'm will buy again like a happy chappy !

question is do we short it? dont know yet but if your happy to chance a "sell" in Asian session then you'll probably get away till before European session starts and if lucky you might get a dip below to 14520 - 14480. Below that i would rather prefer buying on dip obviously in-line with progressing data to come in days ahead.....

London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 19:49
Hewlett-Packard To Cut 9,000 Jobs

PALO ALTO, Calif. � Hewlett-Packard Co. said Tuesday it will cut about 9,000 jobs and take $1 billion in charges over three years as it creates fully automated commercial data centers.

The Palo Alto, Calif. technology company said it will invest $1 billion in its enterprise services unit, over a multiyear period. The company said the job cuts will be the result of productivity gains and automation. The company said it will replace about 6,000 of the jobs to boost its global sales and delivery staff.

HP, whose fiscal year ends in October, said it will record about half of the $1 billion charge in the third quarter and the rest by the end of fiscal 2013.

More Here..

Further more;

*Mayor of Annapolis Unveils More Budget Cuts

*Oil Industry Lashes Out at Drilling Ban

*Gulf Shrimpers Fear Oil Spill Will Put Them Out of Business

*Three US Cities on The Brink of Broke

*Four More Georgia Banks Get Consent Orders

*NC Mental Health Group Can Only Pay Half Wages

*Thousands of Pennsylvania Jobs Could be Lost If Fed. Funding Expires

*BP (BLOODYPATHETIC) Spill Clouds Future of US Drilling
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 19:40
Budget Deficit Hits Record
MAY 14, 2010 | ISSUE 4619
In the face of diminished government revenue, the federal budget deficit set a new record for the month of April. What do you think?,17441/
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 16:53
In Thread: EUR
but caution remains same from 12235, as long as your not sure that it will break on the day below 121 levels 120 area point the sense in trading that. Why take chances.
London, UK
Posts: 715
14 years ago
Jun 1, 2010 16:50
In Thread: EUR
Lagarde: Exporters Not Complaining Now
French finance minister Lagarde says that exporters were complaining about EUR/USD at 1.45 but they are not complaining now so the lower euro must be working for them.
Too bad it took a catastrophic sovereign debt crisis to realign currencies to more traditional values
EUR/USD is consolidating at 1.2295.

OOPs TYPO Err0R, thats 12140