
Posts by "wassim"

12 Posts by Anonymous "wassim":
Melbourne, Australia
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 12, 2010 2:29
@Ghazy, I disagree. The average Arab has a lot more to gain by learning English than by learning inter-market analysis. Looking for shortcuts in life is not a strategy worth encouraging.
Melbourne, Australia
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 10, 2010 0:59
VOTE:Below $1.32

The market priced in too much QE2 pre FOMC. The Fed reserves the right to adjust QE2 timing and size. In currency war, everyone is looking to US for leadership. Obama is gonna pull out all the tricks to not be a 1-term president. There is no news event capable of pushing the Euro upwards so loong as there are more troubles in EuroZone than US. Many have said that QE2 was unnecessary and the US is recovering anyway. Well QE2 is effectively an unrealised rumour that has been mistakenly priced in, and the rumour itself has done enough to inject confidence into US banks and corporates. A lot of M&A activity also points to recovery at beginning of new economic cycle (no doubt we are already past the worst). Growth rate in US is slow but will be faster than Europe because Europe isn't full of Germans. Austerity programs are gonna cause societal pain for months to come.