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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 2338
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Discuss USD
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 10:59
cat, i am not even wrong....

but i have to thank you and ashraf, i am also make a little fortune.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 8:45
OK. Good luck today!
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 8:35
No I never said I missed I said Eur bulls missed. I said when EURUSD was 1.42 my target end nov is 1.36 with USDx 80 and ye target is 1,20 USDx 85 and traded accordingly.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 8:26
And you are one of those few who understand how FX works. LOL
You said it yourself that you missed the EUR.USD shor from 1.42. Now you are telling you cought it.
Which one is true? Do you actually trade or just write? You are funny. I wonder what will you write in a couple of weeks when your doomsday prediction fail again. LOL Funny
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 8:13
don't worry I made a little fortune shorting Eur vs every currency when eurusd was 1.42 and the world's opnion was FED QE2 means printing real bucks.
Very few understand how currency markets work. They think it is like stock markets and that is dead wrong.
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 6:11
catnip, you sound like another one of those doom sayers which were predicting doom and gloom for the last 2 years now, yet nothing of the sort happened. You have to be working for zerohedge. Perhaps they will hire you. Of course if they are not closing the site soon because they are totally discredited.
How many people lost a fortune shorting the market for the last year and a hald expecting the crash is anyone's guess. Probably you lost a lot too and that is why you are so desperate in forecasting the doom and gloom. It will eventually come but not this year. It will come next year. But I guess you would be a bull then. That is how the market works. It reverses when the last die-hard bear throws the towel. LOL
Oregon, United States
Posts: 5
14 years ago
Dec 1, 2010 4:53
I see we are still fighting the battle without first securing the victory.

Do you REALLY find this useful?

Trying to force your belief onto someone, who has already made up their mind, serves no purpose and only proves some of you have way to much time on your hands and think way to highly of yourself.

Lets stick to FACT and the opportunity that it affords. Working together is a much better use of energy than the self promotion that is taking place.

Most of you have much more knowledge concerning currency trading than I but it is obvious that wisdom is lacking.

If you are so bent on expressing your PERCEPTION as truth start a blog and see how many followers you get....

No one here, except two, have proved to me that they have the credentials/experience that deserve attention in regards to trading.

And another thing..... Do any of you have an original thought or are you simply vomiting what you have been taught?


Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 30, 2010 21:46
Oh its comedy time

Investors mistrust of Spain is unjustified and problems in the banking industry are manageable, Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Officer Josef Ackermann said, as Europes debt crisis intensified.

Yes yes... Deutsche will fall off the cliff first

Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 30, 2010 21:35
sorry not AUD its XAU Gold.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 30, 2010 21:34
Germany and France are in an impossible situation.
Big warning flash USD and AUD rallying together. We had this at Bear, at Lehman, at Greece crisis but now as Germany and France have driven Eurozone to the wall ... that dwarfs Bear Lehman Greece by far. Because GERMAN banks are biggest holders of PIIGS bonds ...
when, if at all, the mega morons Merkel and Schaeuble realize what they are doing - resisting investor bailouts- it will be too late. Perhaps they want disintegration but that is too late too.

If the FED as lender of last resort balks Eurozone goes up in smoke