Intraday Market Thoughts Archives

Displaying results for week of Oct 15, 2023

Never via a Bear Steepener

Oct 20, 2023 20:39 | by Ashraf Laidi

Why do I post photos with animals late on Friday when the market is hurting and the world is burning?  In each yield curve de-inversion preceding last 5 recessions (1981, 1990, 2001, 2008 & 2020), NONE of them occurred by way of bear steepening. All 5 emerged by way of bull steepening. The chart below shows US 10-yr yields are still below 2-year yields (inverted yield curve) but are quickly narrowing the gap ie the curve is steepening, or de-inverting, or gradually ending its inversion, or normalising. There are two ways in which yield curve steepens (or normalises): Narrowing the gap with both 2 and 10 yr falling (bull steepening) as was the case prior to the last 5 recessions, and; Narrowing the gap with both 2 and 10 rising (bear steepening). The case today is way more dangerous for the economy and the markets. I will discuss all this in more detail at tomorrow's London Trader Show 

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Never via a Bear Steepener - Bear Steepener W Chart (Chart 1)

See you Saturday at London Trade Show

Oct 20, 2023 18:05 | by Ashraf Laidi

Just in case you miss my presentation and panel discussion at tomorrow's London Trader Show and would like to meet and chat (and get a signed copy of my book), I'll be around at the DTT booth Booth T10  Looking forward to seeing you then. (More details here). 

Click To Enlarge
See you Saturday at London Trade Show - Dtt Banner London Show Oct 2023 (Chart 1)

See you Saturday at London Trader Show

Oct 20, 2023 10:29 | by Ashraf Laidi

I hope to meet you at the London Trader Show held tomorrow (Saturday) along a host of traders, analysts and educators. I will start with an Open Stage presentation at 10am "Updating our Intermetals Analysis vs USD", followed by my participation on the Technical Analysis Panel at 11:20 am.

Why I Chose Yesterday out of all Days

Oct 17, 2023 10:31 | by Ashraf Laidi

Yesterday, I posted a video on Youtube about the Half Life of Currencies, its meaning and benefit to Bitcoin. The video contained a clip from my panel at the Crypto Summit in Madrid 3 months ago. So why out of all days, did I choose to post the video only yesterday...less than 1 hour before Bitcoin jumped 10% (see chart below showing % daily gains) on the Blackrock ETF rumour. Yes, Bitcoin ended up retracing back half of those gains, finishing the day +5%. But the initial gain was 10%, something we have seen only once this year back in March. For a perspective on +10% daily moves, each of 2021 and 2022 had exactly FIVE (5) days of +10% moves.  So why out of all days, I chose yesterday to post that video?  "Who cares Ashraf, just tell us when BTC will break $35K"

Click To Enlarge
Why I Chose Yesterday out of all Days - Bitcoin Move And Youtube Video (Chart 1)

What's a Currency Half Life نِصف عُمر العملة؟ ما هو؟ و لماذا يحدث؟

Oct 16, 2023 10:22 | by Ashraf Laidi

What's a half life of a currency? Explanation below نِصف عُمر العملة؟ ما هو؟ و لماذا يحدث
What's a Currency Half Life نِصف عُمر العملة؟ ما هو؟ و لماذا يحدث؟ - Youtube Cov Bitcoin Half Life Button (Chart 1)