Intraday Market Thoughts Archives

Displaying results for week of Aug 20, 2023

6th Week Pattern Likely to be it

Aug 24, 2023 19:39 | by Ashraf Laidi

The US dollar index (DXY) is posting its 6th straight weekly gain -- the longest consecutive weekly winning run since May 2022 when the 7th week ended lower. Jan 2015 also failed at the 7th week, thanks to the Swiss National Bank breaking its franc peg. You'd have to go back to October 2014 to find a 7th straight weely gain in the DXY-- A time of complete monetary policy divergence as the Fed was ready to taper and ECB in full easing mode. Ceteris Paribus (like for instance CNY flows, inter-metal techs and yield spreads), global monetary policies are currently more in synch than in 2014. No charts, no lines-- Just take my word for it and enjoy the rest of your summer. This time of the year isn't stopping us from issuing a few short term trades in US500, DAX40 and NDX for our WhatsApp Bdcst Group.