
Posts by "daveo"

8683 Posts Total by "daveo":
8171 Posts by member
(N.Cornwall, United Kingdom)
512 Posts by Anonymous "daveo":
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 28, 2010 1:09
In Thread: EUR
I don't feel it's of any value to attempt to predict too far ahead in euro or any other instrument for that matter. Like subway I take one section at a time with my analysis. If price does that then the next high probability move is this. No point in getting ahead of ourselves, that's for fortune tellers in whom I have never had a strong belief. The markets are uncannily clever at humbleising all but a tiny minority of longer term forecasters. Timing is everything for trading, high egos get quashed.

Also notice on the fundamental analysis Ashers will often say if such and such transpires then cad or whatever will do this. Its no different with technical analysis to employ this approach to trading. Let's face it, if N.Korea did something really seriously stupid with their nukes our analysis would take a hit and any economy who happened to be down wind at the time would get seriously modified.

No harm in expressing a general opinion for where the euro might visit in the months ahead subject to this, this and this but its frankly of little value for trading.

Here ends my sermon :-)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 26, 2010 21:54
In Thread: EUR
Joking apart,

Many semi followers repeatedly ask questions which have been answered in IMT's and videos. Must be pretty irritating so repetion tends to become habitual methinks.

Have a great weekend all.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 26, 2010 18:48
In Thread: EUR
November 25, 2010 22:17 ET
Member since Nov 2010 Ashraf...

most agree you're a good analyst and make good calls...
but no need to reiterate your calls.. only brings out the human nature in you....
keep cool and keep up the good work... :)

LOL subway, now comon. Ashy no time to eat, we have to fuel that man. Keep repeating your calls Ashraf and emphasise the sheer brilliance of a great leader :-)

N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 26, 2010 18:28
I have stop just above today high as it should't extend the rt shoulder any higher.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 24, 2010 21:07
non symmetrical formation on gold lows meaning could be interpreted as a series of higher lows.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 24, 2010 20:45
Yes lucky, it could be but should not go much higher now than 84.43 for H&S formation. I thought it might reverse at 83.86 = 127.2% ext but its starting to penetrate that level. Have to see what happens from here.

Gold potential H&S still possible although not such symmetrical formation.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 24, 2010 20:18
I have downside clusters of support at 1.3398, 1.3314, 1.3174/3128 and 1.2890/2855
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 24, 2010 19:57
OK thanks, I am running eSignal data feed for futures as in DX #F, CL and YG etc but FXCM feeds my forex charting. Can't really compare accurately the futures currencies with FX as prices slightly differ.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Nov 24, 2010 17:44
Great call Ashraf !

I am having some dissagreement on some of our respective SMA's and its not a lack of data on my charts which go back several years, well clear of MA lengths. Yet sometimes my DMA's and WMA's will agree with yours. I am not using any offset and all are set at closing price. Can you give me a clue for where the differences may lay ?

Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Nov 23, 2010 21:55
In Thread: GBP
Yes, very good presentation. Ashraf a touch bearish on one or two things :-)

Nice new screen he has there ! And a very good memory in his personal ram.