
Posts by "ganja"

306 Posts Total by "ganja":
277 Posts by member
(United States)
29 Posts by Anonymous "ganja":
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 20:26
In Thread: EUR
, United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 18:17
In Thread: EUR
sounds like a good eve there..
gonna take a lil stroll down to marina..
see what fish for sale..

snook best gaming fish and tasting fish here,,but not for sale in restaurants...
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 18:07
In Thread: EUR
I knew u were a lord or something with the sherry etc..

we just poor folk here..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:58
In Thread: EUR
ur an engineer......mi shrimper..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:56
In Thread: EUR
these crazy times.....
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:53
In Thread: EUR
11-13 away from tunnel not deal breaker.....21 the filter of record :)
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:51
In Thread: EUR
my ay 78.30 lookin to fill in gap to 83.73
again from here a good carry and rate profit range..

Dave..just try on your demo to calc the swap, etc..or take try a punt as u say

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:35
In Thread: EUR
usd/chf in 1 hr tunnel now..break down thru with 21 turning south
good r/r scenario..
good anticipation time..just a little would dissuade..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:32
In Thread: EUR
sht usd/chf from 9045
sh euro 1.4156
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 23, 2011 17:29
In Thread: EUR
Dave..only digi left in canada now....Nor not there...he is 007 for undisclosed country