
Posts by "ganja"

306 Posts Total by "ganja":
277 Posts by member
(United States)
29 Posts by Anonymous "ganja":
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 17:24
In Thread: EUR
usd/chf short playin nice..
New Pips..lets say at this level higher percentage dip gretaer than at other levels

if on 1hr construct 144,169 smas tunnel and measure length of rate as it goes from middle of tunnel current 3940 approx.
in fibo number of pip move, say 34, 55, at 233 rom mid tunnel. normally a long ways away for euro...can measure possible retraces from this etc..but also put 21 sma and when that cnages direction by 2 pips or so then points direction...high %...

this 'old school' but I have watched this as old school would:)

add slow stochastics 5.3.3 and build screen time watchin..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 16:55
In Thread: EUR
well.euro on 1 hr reached 233 from mid tunnel so likely place to stall or fall......if clears..4288 in telescope range..
lookin like yen gonna lose some more ground....

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 16:26
In Thread: EUR
yep, I posted it and then AL posted it on twitter...

interesting to see where crosses close out and correlate, if things calm down...

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 15:49
In Thread: EUR
stubbs..:) only AL can answer...
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 15:47
In Thread: EUR
AL just posted same correlation tables on twitter...good job
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 15:31
In Thread: EUR
here is one, click on table version..not all frames however..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 15:21
In Thread: EUR
Cat.. do you have a setting showing euro/usd vsusd/chf % correlation at any timeframe? tia
, United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 15:08
In Thread: EUR
Following AshL comments re usd/chf looking south..
possible trade usd/chf shorts for low 89.xx ....AL said 89.20.. current 90.50 on rally..
giving a lil more helium to euro.usd up for euro to 4250/80...of course inverse possible:)

altho 1 hr euro fixin a nice lil taringle to pause in..maybe for w/e
wait and see political winds...can look out window, like cat, and see strom is brewinf and then go back to dials for the more specific details....jus funnin cat....I bet your cyc peter meter gave you a

Trade: short usd/chf .9050...minimal size..stop tbd via adding sht approx first=8960..

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 14:11
In Thread: EUR
G morning' gl gt...
New Pipz, Letisha, subz, thanks for the shout-out...diff day, diff dineros..but best ever yesterday (one day) for trading for me...subz..thanks for your ALL PRO views...the best I've seen ever...

Holdin L. Euroses 3950....looks like e gonna make its little 40-50 pip-dip with then cont to 4280..
but at sub 4100, we'll's gettin heavy...

Closing L usd/jpy from 77.25 @ 81.00
Holding L a/y avg 78.30 for the swap..(current 80.27)

stay positive..

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 0:36
In Thread: EUR
FXS.. Yoshiko sayin 8244 and 8325 targeting
stop @80.25 for tru 3bagger..

serious dinero made across fx desks tonight...takin dat gov money..

serious RUM time!!
