
Posts by "ganja"

306 Posts Total by "ganja":
277 Posts by member
(United States)
29 Posts by Anonymous "ganja":
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 13:32
In Thread: EUR
subway..with da goods for sure! righteous...

1 hr tunnel 144,169 sma on 1 hr flat and straight as is 3907...

gots to go play tennis with milady...
, United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 13:28
In Thread: EUR
New Pips....ok...personally wud bring stop to 3915 area if this 1 hr candle finishes up...and trail towards 1.40xx
slow stchs 5,3,3 showin north to me..
hopefully a lil bull flag on 1 hr now..I am convinced when 21sma turns on 1 hr..

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 13:19
In Thread: EUR
Ah.. Ashraf yesterday mentioned viable hedge usd/chf...
and now on twitter
$USDCHF shorts again a viable hedge for those $USDX longs trading on platforms providing cross-hedging #forex #loonie $$
5 minutes ago
good artcile on $ thread yesterday by AL
with swiss comin back into correlation good prospects..
we b pair trading,
, United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 13:06
In Thread: EUR
g morning..bright day swfl..very litle stormz brewin yet...fixin to move back to jamdown when fl starts getting too hot...good luck on trading..
Dave..nice things you said yesterday and in my view, totally correct.. rear view mirror now

New Pips..where's the stop now..tell me abt the divergence..

Daveo that rev h&s a pinhead 1 hr..but still? (5 posis a/y I'll send entries back to manageable doubling
under 80 twice as I first mentioned to you when yo asked..had to pour seawater down for awhile there on it..
1 hr teetering with 21 posis euro//picked 1.4025 for week close in contest, 1st place wine, last place..trip to London :) just kidding, oh boy..

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 20:02
In Thread: EUR
here's ur first 2 posts, proud of these??
subway90 - expecting to see 3850/60 level today where we could see some bounce...

eur iz at 1.398 kimchi

Douglas, Isle of Man

March 4, 2011 11:46 ET
Member since Mar 2011
In Thread: EUR
Yo subway wat happened 2 da sub of 3850 in kriticising others and trade your rubbish calls

and I can go.... any.....where.....I........want.....sonny...
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 19:51
In Thread: EUR
Da best looking trader is in da room ease..

yo gammy..looked up your posts and you have been here 11 daze and first post of yours,
you called subway's calls 'rubbish' ......priceless...

iz dat typical asian manners?

, United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 15:02
In Thread: EUR
mr.hehe..u are completely off base...

honest, confidence, victory, ?? things u want?

told you, I am not a trader, pay no attention to me...
nothing to share, just good times, be happy, happy day mrhehe.

maybe u shud concentarte on YOUR trading..

no worries..

headin west

United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 14:46
In Thread: EUR
all customs check.......

chao mein bwoys..

gl traders..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 14:28
In Thread: EUR
wow..quick 100 pips on a/y
commin home to dan dada
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 15, 2011 14:26
In Thread: EUR
hehegammy...know nothing.. I'm really not a trader..just funnin..
be happy, if u can
beautiful day on gulf of mexico
I goota fly wants dat spinny...
lookin for land speed record today 13knotz..of awesome speed..