
Posts by "ganja"

306 Posts Total by "ganja":
277 Posts by member
(United States)
29 Posts by Anonymous "ganja":
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 25, 2011 13:30
In Thread: EUR
ur not da boss of me, Nor.
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 25, 2011 13:30
In Thread: EUR
re: trade, stop to BE 4115.
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 25, 2011 13:26
'stick with what u know?' ok, if Dave said so.

just a humble monk
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 25, 2011 12:43
what on earth did you trade for the bank???
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 23:47
In Thread: EUR
what u talkin nomad?
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 21:14
In Thread: EUR
I think that number is old data also.....
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 21:11
In Thread: EUR
165k amer turn 65 every security baby boomers retirn some place, many golfers :)
they like fulltime summer since they become 'kids' again.

keep china mutiplying :)
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 21:04
In Thread: EUR
Q's plan that is..
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 21:02
In Thread: EUR
Maybe part of battle plan from remote location..I would do it given circumstances.
United States
Posts: 278
14 years ago
Mar 24, 2011 21:01
In Thread: EUR home is in fly over video...excellent community...
have condo on Sanibel Island Fl at beach..stay there often for gulf..but paseo has it all and they are building and selling now...high end is selling now...great prices, all time low to value..
and the retirees from up north jst keep on coming down and spending dat gov retire check and industrail/union pension...will always cycle and cycle up over years long term..
especially for s.fl...demand high...
as for everyone else..tough times..