
Posts by "qin"

482 Posts Total by "qin":
475 Posts by member
(Jonkoping, Sweden)
7 Posts by Anonymous "qin":
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 11:06
The lunch time is coming in 1 or 2 hours.....hope all the pare will pull back a little....

I hope they will give me some chance to catch the last train.....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 10:09
Danish Central bank narrowed interest rate gap with Euro last week again.....Danish don't want give me free lunch....

I think the interest rate gas will be 0 by the end of this year.......I am not going to short the pare....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 10:03
I hope I will get EUR/USD at 1.4250 to 1.420 during the UK lunch time, but I am not sure the pare will give me the chance or not.......your country is the biggest buyer at 1.4050.....I would like to follow the big buyer and big seller.....

If George Soros tells you he want to buy, but small player talks about risk know who you should to listen.......Your country has more money then Georage Soros.....

I suspect that they are making USD weak in order to support oil price.....

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 9:19
EUR/USD didn't back even 1.420 in Asian time.....I expect it will drop a little bit during the UK lunch time.....I will take the chance to long the pare.....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 9:14
Some information about oil price....
To keep middle east country's economy health, the oil price should above 60 in the year and next year.....if the price drop below 60 and stay firmly will force OPCE to cut supply or make some noise on the oil market....just like Bank of Canada did in the past 2 months....

I don't trade on oil....but if the oil drop blow 60....I would like to be a buyer this year.....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 1:49
I placed my long order EUR/USD at 1.4180 and 1.4150.....hope I can get it while I am sleeping.....

Will Muhammad bless me?? hahaha......if I am lucky again....maybe I should learn some Arabic...

good night.
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 21, 2009 1:25
EUR/USD didn't break 1.40...for the last few days....the biggest buyer was middle east countries----oil nation....
In FX market, it is very important to find out who is the buyer and who is the seller.....oil nation has a lot of cash, just like Japanese and Chinese....they can drive the market upside down. I don't think there will be any hedge fund companies to against them in near term...
I got this information from Japanese traders.....I remember last time I got the news about middle east country buyer was 4 or 5 years ago....they were long USD/JPY at 97 in the summer, the rate went to 115 by the end of that year....
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 20, 2009 3:23
Hey, asad
How do you know that I went to party because I made some money today???
I don't think you know about me anymore......just like you have the short position on oil and didn't agree with people who closed short position and make long position.....don't take your emotion on will kill you,,,,by the way,,,,I drink milk everyday.....

spec never say that he never trade, but i figured out.......just like I figured out NOK/USD should go down today.....

you are using your imagination too much!!! do the homework before making decision!!

Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 20, 2009 2:32
Hey, asad
I am talking the turth.....I don't take anyone's advice to trade...because it is my money.
If you trade on oil or FX, you may have some opinion or questions on this blog.....
But if a guy who never trade on FX....I don't understand why he always has so many opinions and comments everyday....and try to encourage people to take his advice....
Just don't understand it......maybe I won't never understand of it.....
If you don't believe so, ask he to post a trade position on this blog, he will tell you he is not short term trader or just find some reason to avoid of it.....
By the way, I never got drunk in my life.....because I have allergy to alcohol, never drink.....don't be so pissed off, just because of your oil positions are not doing well....

forextrader, what do you want me to post?? I posted my entry point and positions...with some view about the market, did I ever make you to lose money??? I saw your positions a few times, is that doing well or just end with a huge loss??? you know what I mean, right??
Jonkoping, Sweden
Posts: 492
15 years ago
Aug 20, 2009 2:09
Hey, Ashraf
I am sorry about my language, but you are reading his comments everyday, you know this guy doesn't understand anything about can a guy who has been wrong everyday for more then 4 months, but still writing his comment everyday and still encourage people to long USD and call USD long term bull market....I just don't understand why he is so brave to do so.

If you pay attention, you may find out many people have left this blog. I joined this blog for 4 month, some of the visitors didn't write any comments for 1 or 2 months, maybe just because they left. But many new people joined here, maybe some of them don't have so many experiences about FX. If they are listened spec, you know what will happen to them....FX is the most profitable market but most dangerous one.

I hope your blog will be a very reliable one........but with this guy, hope your blog won't be downgraded so much.....