
Posts by "qingyu"

2859 Posts Total by "qingyu":
2804 Posts by member
(manchester, United Kingdom)
55 Posts by Anonymous "qingyu":
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 16:34
and maybe is falling now...
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 16:33
spx may reach 1335, even 1350, before fall.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 16:04
well, my guess was right on mubarak leave. now look at the rest...
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 13:29
i dont know, just guess. there are limited excuses, and now is mid feb.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 13:06
maybe saudi have some problems, would be a good excuse.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 13:05
i guess mubarak will go today, spx will raise then fall. they use flash crash last time, this time should be black friday or monday.

manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 9:49
usikpa, i dont think so. apple said they got some new, and i believe that is true.

dave, yes, your are right. but maybe google will force law maker make sure publisher must publish on every platform.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 10, 2011 23:03
MS bing maybe harm google...not sure...
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 10, 2011 22:52
if you got a lot of type job, dont buy any smartphone without keypad.

i dont use smartphones, got enough smartphone experience in uni. uk first 3g smartphone is motorola a925, i use it for a year.
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Feb 10, 2011 22:47
people may think aapl is overbought, and maybe someone want people think like that.

MS only need yahoo's customer, may or may not.

android 2.3 is the latest smartphone os, it looks like as good as ios. but android still can not beat down ios in contains (apps/music...).

android 3.0 is the latest tablet os, same thing going on as smartphone...

it will need one more year for google to beat down apple.

and i guess apple have some new innovations, i do not know what, but buy aapl dip maybe a good idea.

IT have some good guys like google/twitter founders, but mainly bad guys like gates/jobs/facebook founder.