
Posts by "shane"

222 Posts Total by "shane":
208 Posts by member
(Lahore, Pakistan)
14 Posts by Anonymous "shane":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Mar 3, 2011 18:08
In Thread: EUR
Ok just one logical question i have for all of u euro bears, if euro is so unstable than why countries like turkey are striving to be a part of euro. Do u think they dont have analysts and stuff to tell the prime minister that euro is in trouble. the reality is that today every economy in the world is in trouble besides a few and euro is a big time bull . The rumors spreading about euro are just to make a fool out of all of us so that we can keep on selling it.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Mar 3, 2011 15:45
In Thread: EUR
Tony G , i agree but normally wat peeps like u do is spread false calls or thats how it looks , new rookies come in follow u and loose money. Some are even worse giving calls for shorts while themselves going longs, i aint saying u are one of them but dont become like one . Wats written in our fate will come to us we dont need to become decievers.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Mar 2, 2011 16:21
In Thread: EUR
it all depends on ur winning chances and its all upto u , u want to play corrections and reduce ur winning chances to 30% right away by just doing it or u can play the real move and increase ur chances to 70 % right away.
Its really important for these fx bosses to keep our chances limited to 25% right from the start, the bigger our chances to loose the bigger there chances to win. They do it cleverly in the cover of helping you . All the market analysis on there sites are supposed to offer u just 25% winning chances. You can be successful even than if u understand risk management but most of us dont so only 2 % become traders and rest become loosers.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Mar 2, 2011 15:41
In Thread: EUR
Lastly the most stupid thing right now to do is going long , i believe that euro is gonna go up to 1.40 or 1.42 b4 a major correction but the risks are great. It may be better to play a correction on top at 1.42 or 1.40 this moment. For GBP i think going short at 1.64 to 1.65 is a good idea as we may get a correction till 1.58 . Remember these shorts are corrections so if play it safe.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 25, 2011 17:10
In Thread: EUR
The reality is that many analysts just concentrate on one side of the market, thus depriving new and innocent traders from 50% of the market. This is done very cleverly in the garb of help. Look at euro for example we have 25 blue candles ever since the uptrend begun and only some 8 red candles even than we have been getting calls to go euro short. The reason is very simple in forex market we are not producing or manufacturing any thing, the only thing keeping this market going is the money from not small but inexperienced small and big traders.

We must understand that the only way to earn money in this market and to make sure we can predict the future is to learn to find out where, how and when inexperienced traders will be punished by the market.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:00
In Thread: EUR
Well guys one thing we must be sure of is that as ashraf is in CMC he is exposed to information we dont have any idea about , so his calls are not just based on technical and fundamental analysis but also certain other information sources.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:06
In Thread: GBP
pip i took losses in GBP yesterday , but i am back in GBP lets see i think we might have to wait for the new week to see a real dollar rally.

Dave the US dollar weakness is very similar to wat happened on 12/1/10 and 12/3/10 some 300 plus pips in 3 days back than , i dont say it will happen again but i am going to give it a try.
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 12, 2011 18:40
In Thread: GBP
No Dave i am saying just the opposite doesnt seem to be an impulsive move and if it crosses 1.58 i think we will see 1.63 if not higher. 200 pips arent a big deal but GBP just broke a few major levels and that does matter.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 15, 2010 21:05
In Thread: EUR
You dont like his calls dont follow him , he hasnt forced u or me or any one and i guess i like ashraf changing along the changing trends, i did go long eur usd after ashraf tweeted about USD weakness and got some pips and than i did again go short when he called for euro weakness.

@lisa Ashraf explains you what is happening in the market and what is the most probable outcome from what is happening now he is not a prophet and can go wrong occasionally, but some people will start criticizing his analysis coz they just saw a 100 or a 200 pip move against his analysis, for a short period of time you know what this is forex a 100 pip move is like a needle in the haystack. I do loose money on some of the calls made by Ashraf but thats mostly coz some times i trade big as compared to my margin and market gets me for my stupidity besides that i make three times more money than i loose on following his calls.

@Ashraf Happy Holidays and just an advise i guess we have some emotional traders who lost some pips in the market. when i started following you i wasnt much different from lisa or any one else who blames u ,because i had no idea what i am doing but with time i realized that yours is the best analysis available in the market i suggest dont bother urself to reply them they will learn in time to repsect you.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 10, 2010 15:13
Hi, Guys Looks like we are having some hard discussions here, i will just like to comment on Ashrafs work here , i am not a hard core economist and i have been trading forex for 1 and a half year now , where i could not trade for last 4 months coz of my routine. In my opinion no one needs to become an economist to be a forex trader.

The reason why you dont need to become an economist is you have Ashraf around , if you are good enough to follow him and understand him, you can almost get everything for free, not too many people do that for free around here these days.

Following Ashraf is very simple all you have to do is use a bit of your mind aswell following are a few suggestions which might help when following Ashraf:

1. He doesnot gives us trading signals service.
2. Follow him on twitter to keep urself upto date.
3. Ashraf basically follows the long term and medium term trend in particular and based on that some short term trends.
4. You must keep urself with enough leverage because he is not one of those guys who is gonna help u trade the 15 min or a 50 pip candle, there is another site for it some where on the net.
5. Ashraf predicts what may happen and he may go wrong, but 80 % of the time he is right and the rest 20 % when we say he is wrong its mostly short term and after a small spike the long term and med term trends get back to work and thats exactly why u need a good leverage when following this guy.
6. Lastly about the china hike, why the heck would anyone want to go long audusd , when its at 0.99 even as a layman i understand that the price above 1 for audusd is a top for now and i will certainly like to go short with a small position with my stops above the 1 audusd. Very small risk to the upside while opening up a huge downside.Not to mention that the head and shoulders pattern is still intact, Thats simple math.

I am short audusd i have gained some 500pips from Ashrafs advise in past week so what if i loose some 100 but i only follow Ashraf when i agree with him so that i dont come and blame him for things .

Overall After one and a half year the only guy i really follow is Ashraf. Keep it up Ashraf you are doing great.
