
Posts by "shane"

222 Posts Total by "shane":
208 Posts by member
(Lahore, Pakistan)
14 Posts by Anonymous "shane":
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 16, 2011 12:57
In Thread: EUR
Position Trading

- The most forgiving type of trading - small mistakes are more easily absorbed in market movement and the size of your eventual profit.
- The easiest to learn. It is estimated that up to 25% of position traders learn to become profitable.
- Less stressful than intraday or swing trading.
- Easier to become successful with smaller startup capital.
- Much easier to predict the market as in general you will be following the overall trend.
- In general position trading is the most profitable.
- Less time consuming than day trading.

- Compounding has a lot less effect on profit than both intraday and swing trading.
- Because positions can be highly leveraged and trades remain open for extended periods of time, unable to reap consistent benefits of interest.
- There is inherent risk in keeping positions open over night. It is quite possible for drastic changes to occur in the market while you sleep.
- Money can be tied up for an extended period of time. This can prevent entry into new positions as they arise.
- Because of the length of time involved in position trading, traders can experience significant drawdown with the expectation that it will turn around and start trending back in the desired direction. Psychologically this can have a very negative effect.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 19:21
In Thread: GBP
We want your money head and shoulders lmao
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 19:20
In Thread: EUR
As far as i am concerned i am still trying to figure out the trading techniques the best and most fruitful i have found is adding small positions in pairs like usdjpy who are at market extremes and other pairs which tend to move within a 1000 pip range such as eurgbp. Volatile pairs like eurusd are not my type and i hardly trade eurusd .
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 18:53
In Thread: EUR
Agreed Dave O and besides those slippages some major moves across the board are not small traders friendly and are well planned moves by big fish to eat small fish, BIG BROKERS AGAINST SMALL BROKERS e.t.c big traders against small traders. The guy who understands this and moves along these big fish direction becomes a winner.

For one moment just look at the price move up we all are sitting in a global market how many of individual traders wanted to go long euro, i bet max 20 % so who moved euro 400 plus pips with such strong momentum we cant because even if we want to buy euro we cannot time it so perfectly so no doubt we are all part of a corrupt system made to take money out of our hands well if u understand that u will become a good trader .
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 17:36
In Thread: EUR
Pip i dont trade with CMC , however i dont rule out the possibility of forex companies playing dirty thats exactly wat happens when u hand over a glass cookie jar to a boy and he can see all the cookies , i bet he will try to eat as much as he can and this is exactly wats happening right now . Some one is eating the cookies. I learned it when i started trading so here is the tip i trade small, keep ur risks limited .

If you want to know my opinion i would not like to be stuck with this euro short right now but here i am in the middle of it , markets dont move in a straight line thats fair and square so i am holding to see some red candles and try to evaluate if its a correction or a reversal and than cancel my positions.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:55
In Thread: EUR
lol gunj i have also put some shorts at 1.32 and above but wtf can u do when euro is on viagra , i am in it for now will add at 1.338 and maybe big big losses waiting for me at 1.35. but i guess i will be able to trade even after that lol .
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:37
In Thread: GBP
Yup a double top after a double bottom and now USD may post a triple bottom at 79 atleast thats wat i hope.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:31
In Thread: EUR
lol ashraf i think market is hunting ur calls right now , here we go again for 1.3380 this time i guess.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:20
In Thread: EUR
Macro speculators like us are the fuel this forex market needs to keep it running , currencies do wat they are supposed to do no matter wat we think even the governments seems or atleast act helpless against the wolves making money in markets. Just put urself in Goldmans shoes and u will know wat to do . He must be a buyer of euro in 1.20s .

Lol my bet is they want it in 1.20s and thats why i am short risky deal considering that upside potential is much bigger.
Lahore, Pakistan
Posts: 209
13 years ago
Jan 13, 2011 16:12
In Thread: EUR
USD needs Viagra .