
Posts by "xaron"

548 Posts Total by "xaron":
528 Posts by member
(Munich, Germany)
20 Posts by Anonymous "xaron":
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 21:04
No of course not. That's why I said, that Portugal, Italy and Spain are far too big to bail out them. But that won't be necessary (pippedOff will disagree on that I guess).

BTW: The ECB can't just print money like the FED can.

Personally I think this is all a bit overdone. Markets tend to exaggerate. The Euro will probably see the 1.30 level again but not before a notable retracement. Technically the weekly chart look very bullish to me now (don't laugh here, I just mean the last 2 weeks with their long wicks right at around the important 1.35 number which is a fibo level as well).
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 20:57
pippedoff, 1133.50 and raising, 1150 comes closer again.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 20:51
Of course we will bail them out if necessary. But of course no one wants to tell the truth about it. It would be political suicide. Greece won't default, that will not be allowed no matter how much it costs.
Italy, Spain and Portugal are too big to bail them out but they are not that deep in trouble.

And don't forget that there is no single currency but always pairs. Therefor you have to take a look at the other side and the USD doesn't look that shiny at all. ;)

Plus you have to see that Germany WANTS a weak Euro as well as the US NEEDS a weak Dollar. Guess who will win in the long run? ;)

Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 20:41
That's old news and will never happen. Well, ok. Maybe after California and NY have defaulted...

Listen, the wheel will turn on and so will the focus come to Japan and US again with their problems. I just wonder why they still have their triple A rating. Oops, must be because of that those great rating companies are from the US?
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 19:26
pippedOff, after the last days I'm much more confident we will see 1.38-40 in the Euro first. I'm long Euro with a stop at BE and comfortably in the money. :) I can't say that with my USD/JPY longs, I've added a bigger one there at 88.65 with a stop at 88.40.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 19:08
BTW I'm neither short nor long. I'm scratching my head especially about that Gold and Aussie strength right now...
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 19:02
My target of 1150 comes closer, sorry guys...
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 14:56
I went long EUR/AUD now at 1.4995 with a stop at 1.4950. I think the Aussie will tank the next days where the Euro looks like it stabilize a bit around 1.35/36.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 13:07
When there is a currency which is clearly overvalued then it is the USD. ;)
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
14 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 13:06
In Thread: EUR
I still think we will at least see 1.38-40 first before the next down leg might start. But that's in line with Ashraf's view as far as I know because every trend has retracements.