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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 3119
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Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)

Discuss Commodity FX (CAD AUD NZD NOK)
Putko Mafani
Cape Town, South Africa
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 30, 2010 0:20

These type of traders are called kamikazes. Their weapon (high leverage) will either kill them or reward them with high % profit.
vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 23:45
@Dave .
Chol wrote that he entered short AUD/USD AT 0.9750 for target of 0.97 following Asharf Call. i.e his profit target was only 50 pip!! And now he has position with -450 pips in the Red. . Is that even logical?? Risking 450 pip for reward of 50?? I cant understand his logic.

The other is FX-1
He also went short AUD following Asharf Call. With 8 standards lots, knowing that his capital equity is only 16,000 dollars, is that logical?? 8 standard lots short without stop loss on tiny 16K account.

i do feel bad for them , and i hope they lerned from this lesson.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 23:29
I understood your point exactly. I worry about Chloe's preconcieved ideas. "Mkt definitely will do this or that".
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 21:25
@ Dave and Chlo

You didnt understand my point,, I was not giving projection about the price of the AUD/USD.
I was trying to tell you there is no grantee that there will be a pull back to par yet alone to 0.97. The market could keep going gradually and steadily to 1.5 over the next two years. Who knows? No body.
Many quantitative traders try to predict the market using theories such as use martingale hypothesis or Random walk theory by find correlation between price movements. or use Extreme value method all these methods have chance of success as picking (( buy or sell out of hat)) .
You as trader should manage your account and try to make more profit than losses. Otherwise it much betters to but your money in riskless utility such as saving account at least you will have good night sleep.

@ chlo ((I am sure you had few sleepless nights in the last 2 weeks , and you blame Ashraf of this if only he wrote that the three weeks ago that AUD is heading towards 1.02 instead of 0.97 you will if had a very merry Christmas and super happy new year. IF ONLY))
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 21:01
My post was agreeing with Forextrader
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 20:59
Exactly !

This talk of market can't do that or can't do this, or definitely will retrace or whatever is completely alien to me. The very mention of such words will awaken Mr Murphy :-) markets are uncannily clever at beating the majority. We are dealing with probabilities, never certainties. As soon as we do something dumb the mkt will punish, never fails.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 20:57
@forex the way i look at it also is a strong aud isn;t good for there economy just like a strong cad is bad for our economy im not saying that there might not be more pain before we head lower but for u to say were gonna rally 800pips more b4 we see a pull back is a bit of a stretch for me but i respect ur ur right markets can stay irrational longer than we stay solvent.but keep in mind trading has dramatically changed over the last 2yrs than what most pl are used to trading an i think its a constant balancing act that taking place which ive said many times b4(usually applies to my usdcad trade)but at the end of the day no1 currancy can stay too strong or weak for too long thats why we see ups/down an i beleive it will be the same in 2011:) thanks an gl:)
vologda, Russia
Posts: 127
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 20:37
@ Chlo
"The Market Can Stay Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent"
Rational trader who start to short the NASDAQ at 2000 because they thought it is overbought and overvalued got burned long before it reached 5400 .yes it rallied 3400 point in few months.

KEEP HOLD of your position until the AUD/USD reaches 1.1000,, yes you read it correctly, 800 pips more.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 20:32
@daveo, i agree ashraf has a strong newbie following an it would be nice for him to break things down but im sure its a time issue with him,but if the forum could stop bickering an talk normal an respectful to each other then mayb the newbies could get sound advice from them.i really find asking u an others questions very for china pmi i think it could be baked into the move in the audusd an regardless of its # we should see a pull back now having said that im sure i;ll be dead wrong :( any ways gl to every1 an remember theres alway a winner &loser @ the moment im the losser:( hehe
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Dec 29, 2010 20:21 only new to fx trading(16mths or so) an usually stick with usdcad which i understand fairly good an it was a huge mistake on my part venturing out to other pairs which has proven disasterous first was long gbpcad loss 3k off it then it was the gbpusd which i was able to ride out the storm an make $$ an now its the audusd which is hurtn because of our lack of nimblness i find its best to always look at a trade an say whats the worst case scenario(how much can it go against me then i make sure i can ride it out,things could get more painful but things never go straight up an there will be a time for us to exit the trade.i don;t use sl @ all because the markets are wayy to volitile an i find i get stoped out just when its gonna run back up,an the losses can get too much with that stategy.its hard for us newbies to apply the more experince traders strategy cause they understand alot more than we do when applying there strategies.and yes it is frustrating following ashraf @ times an he always seams to go mia in times of need from us newbies but thats the risk we take when trying to hang with the pros:) any ways gl with ur trades as im in the same boat as ignore said pressure makes our skin get thicker not long ago i would be right behind ya freakkn out but thats not good for our health we just have to suck it up an wait for our turn it;ll come:) pz