Posts by "amir ak"
7 Posts Total by "amir ak":
Posts by Anonymous "amir ak":
Quite a selloff in equities as well as the USD, any thoughts?
If I understood your IMT corrctly, did you mean a good strategy to hedge long cable is by selling against EUR (i.e long EUR/GBP)
Are you still maintaining your bearish outlook on S&P500. its trading above 880?
Many thanks.
You have outlined boths scenarios weather the Fed decides to expand its QE in any form (buy back LT treasuries or ask treasury to issue 50yr bonds) or if it doesnt and the impact on markets. Which scenario are you more biased to? And how would you trade the markets accordingly and how would you hedge your position? Thank you.
Silver & Gold are facing some resistance. whats the short term risk and where would be a good stopp loss point? Thanks.