
Posts by "daveo"

8683 Posts Total by "daveo":
8171 Posts by member
(N.Cornwall, United Kingdom)
512 Posts by Anonymous "daveo":
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 30, 2013 19:34
In Thread: EUR
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
Here u go skipper---His Masters Voice.

Watch out for possible lower unemployment threshold
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 30, 2013 10:35
In Thread: EUR
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
Should be enough methane from Goldman S and Co to destroy the "system" and then start up all over again :-)
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013 23:23
In reply to Ashraf Laidi's post
I concur.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013 1:21
"The survey includes part-time workers who want full-time work but can't get it, as well as those who want to work but have stopped looking. That puts the real unemployment rate for June at 14.3%, up from 13.8% in May"

A Lost Generation
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 21:47
In Thread: EUR
Have a great weekend Skipper, Digi and y'all. cyu Tuesday.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 21:43
In Thread: EUR
I agree with Ashraf's latest article. The Fed should taper back asset purchases by a token $5 bil to acknowledge recent improved eco stats. At the same time I think Bernanke should reiterate that asset purchases will be reduced or increased in line with any new information going forward.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 21:12
In Thread: EUR
In reply to DaveO's post
veritable time bomb ticking away
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 21:09
In Thread: EUR
In reply to digi's post
The whole point of Abe's strategy is to create inflation whilst keeping rates low which as I understand it = jpy south, Nikkei north. The problem will be keeping their yields low.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 20:58
In Thread: EUR
In reply to digi's post
it all comes back to technical trading, no point trying to be ahead of the curve on fundamentals
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Jul 26, 2013 19:00
In Thread: EUR
In reply to DaveO's post
blame all the dumb traderz who pushed the DX up on the back of tapering b/s, oh dah, need to cover :-)