
Posts by "daveo"

8683 Posts Total by "daveo":
8171 Posts by member
(N.Cornwall, United Kingdom)
512 Posts by Anonymous "daveo":
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 28, 2013 19:39
CL made my target area of 110.55 to 111.85 but pattern alerts me it has further to go in the 5th wave up from the inverted H&S 85.90 low. W.4 low was at 102.22
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 28, 2013 15:12
In Thread: EUR
In reply to digi's post
the patter of little feet?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 28, 2013 15:10
In Thread: EUR
In reply to Sir Ignore's post
I think 3:3 now in progress on the 1 hr so hopefully start motoring---3180/3200 beer stop
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 26, 2013 23:47
In Thread: EUR
yes George, I need some rhubarb urgently. Just got home after spending a lotta money treating da wifee for her birthday culminating in dinner a la cuisine nouveau francais. No vegetables on my plate. "you charge me all this money yet do not even provide a BALANCED diet, what you thinkin about dreadies".
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 26, 2013 23:33
In Thread: EUR
wat u furkers been doin all day--just because we have a holiday in uk don't mean to say u let da mkts mark time, comon dudes, geta grip.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 26, 2013 0:54
In Thread: EUR
"No: France Is Not Bankrupt" – Really?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 24, 2013 0:35
In Thread: EUR
usdcad post typo "B wave up in progress from 1.0335 A wave low"

should read from 1.0244 A wave low"
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 24, 2013 0:05
Gold GC. My favoured count on the 16th Aug was for gold to make 1441 corrective ABC symmetry. Today saw a high of 1400. The pattern up is confused in as much as the 7th Aug 1272 low may now be a wave 4 rather than a wave B. If it was a W.4 then the W.5 is near termination and unlikely to extend near to the 1441 level before a deeper correction back to 1280's. If it was a Wave B low then the 1441 target will likely be extended to c.1476/86 area. I would expect one or two imminent wide range candles to facilitate this. Herein lies the subjectivity of EWA but it provides clear trading parameters.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 23, 2013 22:00
Sarkosy a little man with special high heel shoes and big chip on shoulder. Worse still he was outrageously extravagant/corrupt, similar to many EU leaders. Merkel managed to drag him screaming and kicking to her way of thinking but alas Hollande has since undone most of what was agreed.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
11 years ago
Aug 23, 2013 21:34
In Thread: GBP
I think the UK economy has similarities to the US economy except that the US could become self sufficient in energy production, even a net exporter which could make a tremendous difference to their long term outlook if they can indeed survive the shorter term-- which I very much doubt.

Both countries are basket cases with their burden of debt which is well beyond the point of return. Neither political establishments can control debt, yet alone radically reduce. Therefore the macro position is utterly hopeless, we shall both implode at some point in time. And let's not even mention euroland problems.

Short term eco stats showing minimal growth in the context of the macro position are laughable. Something big has to happen or we are toast.