
Posts by "digi"

1956 Posts Total by "digi":
1710 Posts by member
(toro, Canada)
246 Posts by Anonymous "digi":
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 20, 2011 16:02
In Thread: EUR
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 20, 2011 16:01
In Thread: EUR
The Euro is trying to hold its ground on Thursday as Eurozone leaders disagree on the plan to enhance the EFSF, observes David Song, Currency Analyst at DailyFX, who foresees further Euro weakness for the coming days, as fears about the consequences of the debt crisis will remain weighing on investor confidence.

toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 20, 2011 15:51
In Thread: EUR
time to have toast for Muammar ,
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 14, 2011 4:08
In Thread: EUR
Euro Headed Toward $1.50 in Six Months, SocGen Says
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 13, 2011 18:42
In Thread: EUR

take a look at the dax , looks like its out of the consolidation range W-shaped

what do u think ?
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 13, 2011 14:12
In Thread: EUR
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 12, 2011 13:26
In Thread: EUR
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 11, 2011 12:51
In Thread: EUR
The most accurate foreign-exchange forecasters say the dollars best quarterly rally since 2008 has no chance of continuing to year-end as a slow economy spurs the Federal Reserve to flood the world with more U.S. currency.

Led by JPMorgan Chase & Co., the five best strategists as measured by Bloomberg News in the six quarters through September see the currency averaging $1.34 per euro in the final three months of 2011, from $1.3387 on Sept. 30. They estimate it will average 76.6 yen, from 77.06.
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 7, 2011 17:17
In Thread: EUR
and thats my premium trade i posted for free in da morning
toro, Canada
Posts: 1040
13 years ago
Oct 7, 2011 16:15
In Thread: EUR
hey Iggy
are u organizing the anti wall street demo in jam?

with dreds ,