
Posts by "jacek"

2735 Posts Total by "jacek":
2561 Posts by member
(Melbourne, Australia)
174 Posts by Anonymous "jacek":
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 4:38
In Thread: EUR
who cares:-).. but perhaps this can help..

"..At present, the market has favoured the USD amidst the weaker risk environment, but should the risk environment improve we view SEK and NOK will benefit.."
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:52
In Thread: JPY
straight jpy might be an easier trade..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:46
In Thread: EUR
have a good one Dave..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:45
In Thread: EUR
not sure about capital3x guys.. but daveo daily spx chart deserves respect:-)
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:39
In Thread: EUR
Qingyu might have a view on that.. for sure:-).. and let's see what asia does today..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:32
In Thread: GBP
safer euro 200pip short play?..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:22
In Thread: USD
Dave.. just a reminder 4u.. :-)

"..SOUTH KOREA Markets remain closed for the Chuseok holidays.."
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:14
there goes DB idea in aussie.. perhaps RHS?.. or just simply lower..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 1:00
In Thread: EUR
don't believe that chinese will be buying italian bonds.. and vix still 39..
Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2579
13 years ago
Sep 13, 2011 0:55
In Thread: EUR
dave not right forum but what you make of that last hour recovery in S&P?..