
Posts by "xaron"

548 Posts Total by "xaron":
528 Posts by member
(Munich, Germany)
20 Posts by Anonymous "xaron":
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 8:24
In Thread: EUR
What's currently not in the cards might be that the ECB will hike before the FED. Actually I think that this will happen. The ECB was always more hawkish in the past as the markets thought about them.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 7:46
In Thread: EUR
spec, I guess this time they are right. Of course it's all a matter of time period. In the long run I'm sure that we will see 1.45 again. The only question is, how deep goes it before? I don't think we will reach 1.32 though.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 7:44
In Thread: GBP
I'm not directly short GBP versus USD I'm just long EUR/GBP which will reach 93-94 levels again.

wolf, yes. This won't happen this weak but we need some fresh, very bad stuff to send this pair much lower. Same is true for EUR/USD.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 7:19
In Thread: GBP
That was me the real one. My reasons for this call are simple: It's just too obvious to call for lower levels. I know that the UK is in deep trouble. But at times where no one seems to like the pound often the exact opposite happens. It's always dangerous when too many guys are on the same side...
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 6:59
In Thread: GBP
I see 1.60 coming but not this week.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 15, 2010 6:05
In Thread: EUR
I agree Bernhard und willkommen hier! :)

I don't see this 1.32 level coming anytime soon but I was already wrong in the past so don't count on this. ;) Actually I did very well with my longs so far and still have a small one open and let it run. But I added a EUR/JPY short at 124.50 as well.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 12, 2010 11:37
In Thread: EUR
Ah ok now I see the difference. Either it is possible to create another account with the same nickname or it is possible to post anonymous with a nick. Look. me the real X has the town Munich beside.

Whatever goes wrong with this forum should be fixed please. It is no fun to see post another one with the same nick.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 12, 2010 11:34
In Thread: EUR
Guys, that was not me who wrote the last comments. Looks like someone hacked my account! My apologies!!! Is there a way to reset my account please?
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 11, 2010 15:48
In Thread: JPY
ptaczek, maybe the guys out there are tired of risk aversion and just want to get some yield at bargain prices. I mean the long term players might look 1-2 years ahead and the current levels look rather cheap.
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Mar 11, 2010 15:40
We will. Because Gold seems to be the only constant thing between all those FIAT currencies. It's a bit hard to choose which currency will take a deeper dive first, the EUR? USD? GBP? So in uncertain times Gold might be a safer haven than the USD which is a joke in terms of "safe haven".