Intraday Market Thoughts

Archived IMT (2010.10.06)

by Ashraf Laidi
Oct 6, 2010 19:20

1-WEEK-TIME LAG WORKS AGAIN FOR THE 200 PERIOD MOVING AVERAGE IN EURUSD & $USDX. Readers of these IMTs were told for the past 4 weeks about the 1-week time lag between USD INDEX breaking BELOW its 200-DAY (not week) MA, followed by a break in the EURUSD ABOVE its 200-DAY MA. Then the same 10-week pattern happens for the 200-WEEK (not day) MA. Just 1-week after USDX broke below its 200-week MA, the EURUSD today finally regains its 200-week MA of $1.3920, which also marks the 61.8% retracement of the decline from the $1.5151 high. I also did a video presentation for Reuters Thomson last week illustrating this very point. The road from $1.3150 to $1.3890 was charted thoroughly for my Twitter followers, ever since that fateful FOMC Tuesday last month. Meanwhile, my latest article on the Gold/Oil ratio shows how peaks (bottoms) yet again remain effective in predicting rebounds (pullbacks) in equities. The broken DIAMOND PATTERN in OIL has also helped drag USDCAD closer to parity as repetitively called on twitter last night. G/O article I AM AT THE STOCKHOLM ECONOMIC EXPO til end of week so updates will be less frequent than usual. WIll be Debating Euro with Gavekal's Charles Gave.


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