Searched for: monetary [and] policy
Results: 121 to 130 of 885
  • Intraday Market Thought: ECB Doves Grow Louder

    by Adam Button | Dec 22, 2014 0:07
    and said there is no urgency in moving monetary policy back towards a more normal setting.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Nowotny Softens on QE

    by Adam Button | Jan 13, 2015 23:47
    and called sovereign QE a traditional monetary policy instrument.
  • Intraday Market Thought: Why the Dollar Dived

    by Adam Button | Jun 2, 2015 23:13
    on how she feels about the economy and monetary policy and it was abundantly clear that she&..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Aside From the Euro

    by Adam Button | Jun 19, 2015 0:35
    The BOJ monetary policy statement is due at some point in the..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Jackson Hole all about Inflation

    by Ashraf Laidi | Jul 30, 2015 17:35
    Jackson Hole all about Inflation Chart Fed's August 27-29 annual Economic Policy Symposium at Jackson Hole, where..
  • Intraday Market Thought: What to Expect From the ECB

    by Adam Button | Dec 3, 2015 0:32
    The ECB will push the limits of monetary policy on Thursday, but how far? The Swiss..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Is Euro Rally Overdone?

    by Ashraf Laidi | Jun 7, 2018 17:29
    main reason comments from several ECB policy makers, including the not-so hawkish..
  • Article: US jobs put dollar bears in check

    by Ashraf Laidi | Dec 5, 2014 15:05
    US jobs put dollar bears in check Chart , further highlighting the contrasting monetary policy between the US on one side, and Japan....US economy, the striking contrast of policy divergence between the Fed and the..
  • Intraday Market Thought: Ignore FX Relativity at your Own Risk

    by Ashraf Laidi | Jul 17, 2017 15:48
    Ignore FX Relativity at your Own Risk Chart easily articulated theory of diverging monetary policies-- that the Fed will be the..
  • Premium: 2015 FX outlook by Ashraf Laidi

    by Ashraf Laidi | Dec 23, 2014 17:33
    2015 FX outlook by Ashraf Laidi  Chart maintaining its intentions to normalize monetary policy without risking prolonged declines in.... level low enough to have brought fresh policy easing in the an informal guidance for normalising policy...with a generous provision of policy accommodation such as reinvesting the....about domestic US strength and the deep policy divergence between the Fed and the....And regardless of the policy mix pursued, euro weakness will be part....over the four arrows of stimulative policy, including more asset purchases from....Bank of Japan has already expanded its monetary base by 80 trillion yen per year from....and the Middle East and expectations of monetary policy normalisation...of the nine members of the BoE's monetary policy committee continue to vote for keeping....Wrong policy mix for sterling bulls....Unlike in 2010-2012, when tight fiscal policy operated alongside ultra-easy monetary....The fiscal-monetary policy mix will not help, and falling....collapsing oil prices is highlighted by monetary policy and resources diversification.