
Posts by "buygold2000"

3 Posts by member
(Florida, United States)
Florida, United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Mar 2, 2010 17:09
Weak longs in gold? hardly. The weak hands are shorts, shorts have to buy back some time, right? People who own gold bars and coins or long-term contracts don't have to sell for a long, long time, until gold becomes a bubble in a true sense.
Florida, United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Mar 1, 2010 8:22
March 1 (Bloomberg) -- George Soros is helping drive up gold prices by doubling his bet in a market even he considers a bubble as Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Barclays Capital and HSBC Holdings Plc predict more gains before it bursts.

Soros Fund Management LLC, which manages about $25 billion, increased its investment in SPDR Gold Trust, the worlds largest exchange-traded fund for the metal, by 152 percent in the fourth quarter, a Feb. 16 Securities and Exchange Commission filing shows. While prices have fallen 8.9 percent since reaching a record on Dec. 3, 15 of 22 analysts in a Bloomberg survey say gold will reach a new high, with the median forecast predicting a 16 percent advance to as much as $1,300 an ounce this year.
Florida, United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Feb 26, 2010 19:59
Well, let's see, what will be the price of gold next week? don't know. what will be the price of gold the end of the year? what will be the price of gold in 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? most probably up, and up a lot. So what's this bet against it for? $50? $100? Do you need this money in such an urgent? Why not trade for an almost sure thing rather than a simple guessing?

"Mr. Einhorn, meanwhile, who was among the earliest and most vocal bears on Lehman, said he is bullish on gold because of inflation concerns."