
Posts by "gunjack"

1237 Posts Total by "gunjack":
1178 Posts by member
(London, United Kingdom)
59 Posts by Anonymous "gunjack":
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 14, 2010 22:03
In Thread: EUR
Just read a post over at zero hedge...the net short exposure on eurusd is at an all time high, nearly everyone is betting against the euro...any reversal would cause one hell of a squeeze most likely to 1.3 and beyond...Am going long eur calls for the sept expiry anway
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 14, 2010 20:47
@lUCKY busy watching the best T20 cricket match ever....Im looking to buy CL on any break of 71
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 14, 2010 15:08
Mkts crashing and PIIGS getting slaughtered this story is becoming quite predictable....expect positive noises out of the ECB and euro-zone leaders this wkend and mkts will rocket up monday am....time to load up more longs
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 13, 2010 19:44
@Asad when did you move to the Bahamas??...whats the matter the tory govt and our amazing public services and infrastructure not good enough for you anymore??
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 12, 2010 19:07
@Lucky can u clarify your last point, are you saying Oil is set to boom to 90 and Gold to crash by Q3??
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 12, 2010 18:05
In Thread: EUR
@Lucky u referring to gold??
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 10, 2010 14:53
In Thread: EUR
@Catnip...nice work pal...I'm still keeping part my of long SAN CFD's, could be more upside in the coming months
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 10, 2010 14:34
In Thread: EUR
Wonder if anyone else went long Santander...nearly 21% up today alone
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 8, 2010 14:25
@Yan Bei Fei ppl seem to be pricing in further QE by the ECB hence the strength in Gold....could poss hit 1300, but just as likely to fall to 1040 too
London, UK
Posts: 1184
14 years ago
May 8, 2010 12:59
It's not surprising Gold has risen as much as it has, Mkts are predicting further QE from ECB more fiat