
Posts by "mattpeters"

4 Posts Total by "mattpeters":
3 Posts by member
(United States)
1 Posts by Anonymous "mattpeters":
United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Jul 2, 2010 17:33
In Thread: WorldCup2010
Was that Wayne Rooney on the Brazilian Side this afternoon? I may have been mistaken. Dutch were "misunderestimated" after the 1st goal (and ghost goal as well) to boot strap their way to a victory. Well done boys in orange.
, United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jun 15, 2010 1:36
In Thread: WorldCup2010

My envy is boundless buddy! (RE: "Watching Italy lose w the roar of lions + tigers nearby. Pretoria."). Just joking, you genuinely deserve the diversion.

Not 'my" favorite, but the German "Machine" looked VERY impressive. Should make for a strong 16 when the powerhouses begin their battles.
United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Jun 9, 2010 19:26
In Thread: WorldCup2010
BTW...extremely cool idea starting a World Cup thread ;-)
United States
Posts: 3
15 years ago
Jun 9, 2010 19:26
In Thread: WorldCup2010
As the World Cup torrent is crippling Twitterit begs the question: Will this tournament create a net positive demand for $EURUSD? More of an academic question but interesting none the less.

But I must add, the World Cup is a singularly "magical event" perhaps greater than the Olympics in collective enthusiastic participation. AND, this will be the first Cup in the "Social Network era". Should have some affect/effect upon foreign