
Posts by "newman"

13 Posts Total by "newman":
6 Posts by member
(Minnesota, United States)
7 Posts by Anonymous "newman":
Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
14 years ago
Feb 24, 2010 0:13
NO DEAD CROSS YET, Ashraf. But close! At least on the continuous contract (which doesn't use the pit close): 50 SMA = 1107.36; 100 SMA = 1103.26. --NewMan
Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
14 years ago
Feb 24, 2010 0:02
THANKS for the wonderful gold analysis, Asraf! That's why I come here -- to understand gold in dollars.

Another data point pointing to gold going lower: the recent rally in spot gold price was NOT accompanied by an increase in the gold holdings of GLD. When that happens, gold rally is unsustainable, and price heads lower.

All the best,

Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
15 years ago
Jan 28, 2010 23:53
Ashraf-- THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all of your comments/analysis on gold & silver. I don't trade currencies. Do trade gold and gold stocks, and find your analysis invaluable. And I predict, as more and more people turn to the precious metals to protect themselves in the years ahead, you'll get more and more people visiting your site for that analysis. (I tell everyone I can.) Thanks again, and all the best to you! --NewMan
Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
15 years ago
Jan 5, 2010 19:50
THANKS, Ashraf. Much appreciated. Not what I was hoping to hear :^( but much appreciated.
Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
15 years ago
Jan 5, 2010 19:49
Ashraf: Looking at charts, gold has SO FAR followed the euro pretty closely, not oil. Do you think this correlation will continue or not?


(Have your book and bookmarked your on-line workbook, but haven't had the time yet to study them. So when it comes to the "Wisdom of Ashraf" I am still, unfortunately, flying blind.)
Minnesota, United States
Posts: 6
15 years ago
Jan 5, 2010 19:27
Ashraf: Thanks for the insights. VERY interesting. My big question: what do you think gold will do? Do you think it will go down with the euro or go up with oil? Thanks for any insights into this.

All the best,

Minneapolis, MN, U.S.
Minnesota, United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Nov 18, 2009 2:15
Thanks, Ashraf! Much appreciated.
Minnesota, United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Nov 17, 2009 20:44
To clarify: meaning EUR/USD, and "near-term" = if starts a trending move over the next week or 10 days. Thanks.
Minnesota, United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Nov 17, 2009 20:04
Ashraf: Watching the ADX indicator on the Euro, it looks like the Euro might start trending soon. (It's been non-trending here recently.) If you were a betting man (and I believe you are) which way do you think the Euro will trend near-term? THANKS!

By the way, really like your mid-day video updates. Very informative. You're a Rock Star!

Minnesota, United States
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Nov 9, 2009 5:09
Ashraf: I know you're a very busy man. And I realize this newest article of yours is only 6 days old. But please write another one (with a Big Picture focus or implications) soon. We "Little Fish," who almost never get the high-quality advice that only the rich can afford, rely on you to help us survive. :^) THANKS for all your help. --NewMan P.S. I and my family and friends and their families and friends DON'T want to end up in a sardine can! (Just as you share your expertise with us, I try to pass my imperfect understanding on to as many people as I can help. Ultimately, WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.)