
Posts by "pcanon"

3 Posts Total by "pcanon":
1 Posts by member
(California, United States)
2 Posts by Anonymous "pcanon":
California , United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
May 26, 2011 21:46
In Thread: USD
Dave O - Good questions regarding the DSK set-up question. I would only say that if you dared to wade into the 9/11 questions - and I have to say that merely watching WTC7 fall in a classic implosion in the late afternoon on 9/11 is enough to bring questions to any truly objective mind - it becomes clear that a lot of weird conspiring goes on, yet because they control the news media they can pull over almost anything. One of my favorite bits of fact on that episode was that the Bush family owned the security company that provided security to the WTC for years right up until shortly before 9/11. I believe that on 9/11 the new security firm for the WTC was just taking up business. The FBIs leading bin Laden expert (I forget his name now) started work for them that morning and died in one of the towers. Only a very complicit press could keep such information from the public. The Bush family - OMG! Whenever dirty business goes down, those folks have some hand in it and they have for decades. W's granddaddy laundered money for Hitler... much of their fortune was made on the Holocaust. Yet we made them president... and let them pretend to stand up for Israel. The depth of the deceit is simply mind-boggling.
California , United States
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
May 25, 2011 8:26
In Thread: USD
Ashraf - Why does it sound crazy? They find ways to take down many powerful people who do not support the extreme right-wing corporatist agenda. DSK, a socialist, actually predicted to the French media prior to his trip to New York that his opponents would pay some woman about $1,000,000 to claim he had raped her in order to remove him from the presidential bid:

This is taken from an article on the topic by Paul Craig Roberts, a very distinguished American economist, and former Reagan appointee:
The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward

It is convenient for the Western elite that the public does this puppet dance for them, hysterically labeling anyone who points a laser beam of suspicion on their dirty deeds as some kind of nut case.

In the early 1930s Wall Street tried to orchestrate a coup d'etat against FDR in order to create a fascist regime in the US. A prominent American general (Smedley Butler) blew the whistle on this scheme, but the congress helped to cover it up and none of the perpetrators were ever prosecuted (of course). The alliance between the financial elite and congress was actually cemented a long time ago. In the end, writers and others who tried to expose the scheme to the public were labeled "paranoid" by the ruling class. They have used this tactic for a long time. It is very effective. Much has been written about this event, by the way. A google search will yield plenty of good, solid info on the story. It is the fact that they covered it up with the public by using this paranoid label that interests me. They still do this even today and the public has never yet caught on. We need to stop thinking it is crazy to think ill of these people. We all know that in Russia such things are commonplace politicallly. It is no different in the West.
California, United States
Posts: 1
14 years ago
May 9, 2011 4:49
VOTE:Back above 1.46

This is just a hunch, not technical. I believe the EU has every intention of maintaining a kind of economic supremacy. They will do erything within their power to maintain a strong euro - plus the US is doing everything in its power to debase the currency as a means of inflating their way out of their debts. Both are a matter of firm policy. US policy makers will do everything they can to avoid weakening the agenda of the military industrial complex, which is their primary agenda for the nation, despite whatever nonsesne they tell the public. I think there is little chance of a major pullback for the anti-dollar at this time. I expect it to pop.